Chapter 2

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After taking a much needed shower washing away my self-mortification. I wrapped my long auburn hair in a towel on top of my head, my body wrapped up in a towel as well. I made my way to my babies while picking up Misery the cat from the ground. She was a fluffy black cat with a splash of white on her chest.

"Are you hungry my kitty?" I asked in a very silly voice, smiling at my cat. I looked around my small one room apartment, with one large queen-sized bed over the left side. A large closet on the opposite side held all our meager clothes and belongings. I walked over to the small red chair in front of the bed, which acts as a divider for the kitchen area and the sleeping area. I don't own a T.V. but my girls share a tablet and I have a small phone. We were lucky to get this place for more than half the original price and the owner was so nice she even allowed us to use her WIFI without any extra cost. Moving to this town was a really good idea, things seem to be looking up for this small family that was on the run. We could finally settle here without any threats. I can actually relax. While I am reminiscing on my situation, Misery made another soft meow and jumped out of my hand. "Hey! Misery where you going girl?" I am a bit surprised.

"MEEEEOOOOWWWW " Misery yowled at me. I looked over at her very confused. She started to walk to the closet obviously she wants me to follow her, so I did. I reached over and quickly grabbed my phone. I checked the time, it was five o'clock, which means it was almost time to start my day. I followed her all the way over to my big white closet. She was somehow able to get into my closet. Using my phone light I was able to see that she made a nest out of my good blankets. "Ugh! Midnight are you serious?" I scoffed, getting a bit pissed off. I was so ready to donate her shiny black ass to the nearest shelter when I noticed two little black and white furballs. My heart melted. "Oh!" I exclaimed, immediately excited about these new kittens. that would explain why she was gone for two weeks. I laughed to myself.

"They're beautiful," She went into them and started nursing them. I guessed she just wanted me to see her sweet little babies. my heart was melting. This reminds me of when my twins were born two years ago, quickly brushed that thought off. With determination, I made my way over to Rose and Ruby. My beautiful girls, I cannot get over my excitement of creating two little humans with big personalities. I smiled broadly when I heard them moving around. Unsurprisingly they were already up and looking for me. Big smiles on their faces when they saw me. I turned on the lights.

"Mommy! Too bright!" Ruby complained while Rose just screamed.

"I'm sorry my baby, but it's time for us to start our day!" I say with enthusiasm.

"We made plans to spend the weekend with Grandma! Are you excited?" I asked them, and they both jumped up and squealed. "Yay, Grandma!" We all had a good laugh at our antics.

My mom Sharon Anderson is their grandma and she planned on taking them to the park just outside of our small town. Sharon adores her grandkids and spoils them rotten, she gives in to every demand and plea you would think she's rich the way that she splurges on these kids, I had to shake my head at the way these girls have her wrapped around their pinkies. I made each baby their bottle and got started on a quick and easy breakfast of oatmeal sweetened with milk and honey. I also gave them some fruit. Since they'll be spending the weekend with their grandma I got their bags packed while they ate, as usual, I didn't eat because I'm too busy being a super mom you would think I got superpowers, I got Rose and Ruby bathed, fed and packed in record time. I really needed this weekend to myself to get some much needed me time. I planned to get my hair and nails done, do some shopping, and get some much needed rest. I wouldn't even mind going on a date too, I'd actually have to have a boyfriend. I smirked to myself.

My girls were wearing matching pink shorts and floral tops. We hopped in my busted up blue sedan car, it was a total steal the way I got this car practically free. Basically, an old man died in his car. His son wanted to sell it for parts or something, I don't know because his story wasn't clear. It was really old but it got us from point A to B every day. Luckily my mom lived in the next apartment complex a few minutes from here. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a white button down top, nothing too fancy right? Right. I try to make myself look inconspicuous and keep mostly to myself. I hate unwanted attention, especially the attention of men I don't know. It makes me really uncomfortable. That being said, since I washed my hair this morning it hadn't fully dried and I had to wear it down. My hair flows in a curly mess down my back touching my tailbone. Hoping it will dry by the time I drive to my mom's house I was ready to head out.

"Mom!" I yelled while banging on the door. Where is this woman? I glanced at my watch and saw the time was now 7:30 am dang it! I'm gonna be late for work.

"MA!" I yelled again.

"Where's Gran Gran?" I hear Ruby asking. "Did you forget to tell her we were coming today?"

"No, Ruby I distinctly remember telling Grandma Sharon that I was dropping you girls off this weekend." I tried not to let my annoyance show.

Then Rose followed up with, "Mom I'm tired." Goddamn it! Where the hell is the woman? I picked up Rose in my arms.

I've been at the door knocking and yelling for more than ten minutes. I whipped out my phone and decided to call this forgetful woman.

"Mom! I'm at the door with your grandkids, did you forget that they staying with you this weekend?" I question sweetly, looking down at Ruby, I'm trying to smile because I really don't want her to know how extremely pissed off I am.

Then soon after the door opened. "Hi, honey!" My mom Sharon greeted us. "I completely forgot, Keisha." She whispered quickly to explain, after seeing my annoyed expression. Sighing and rolling my eyes, I handed her the bags.

"Here you go." I said, still upset "I'm going to be late for work. Traffic to get downtown is a nightmare."

Turning to Ruby I see that she's already inside grandma's house. "Cookies!" Rose screamed and I couldn't resist the stupid smile on my face, somehow she was able to get extra energy to run inside Sharon's house for cookies. Kids are truly amazing. "Ok mom, I really gotta go. I'll call you later!" I said as I hurriedly ran to my car waving goodbye to my mom and my kids. I made my way through the worst possible traffic to head downtown, where I work as an assistant in a dingy law firm for my boss Mr. Makenzie a short old caucasian man. He has the personality of a Chihuahua, extremely aggressive for no reason. Although I am usually early and work well, Mr. Mackenzie always finds a reason to treat me unfairly at work. This will be my first time being late in three months. That being said I already know how much he is going to frown and yell at me all day. "It pays the bills, it pays the bills, it pays the bills," I say to myself as I am turning into the parking lot to face the music.

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