Chapter 11

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*Morelli's POV:*

She was so fucking beautiful. I can't get enough of her. She is so unique, her gorgeous long ginger hair, rolls down her back in a tumble of curls. As I watch her sleep the rise and fall of her huge breast, so creamy and delectable. Contrasting sharply against the red lingerie she's still wearing. I think I'm in love with her. She is just the right height, not too tall, but not too short either. She so fucking tight and wet when we fuck. Damn, the perfect combination. As I tried to move some hair from her face, she groaned. Is she in pain? Her perfect face scrunched up into a frown. Maybe she's having a bad dream. Her sweet pink lips pouted and all I want is to kiss her forever. I want to protect her. I have been tailing and tracking her for over a year. I know it's insane, and I knew that if she found out I was a stalker she'd hate me. I definitely don't want her to hate me. She has struggled a lot since she moved to this small town. I watched as she and her mom struggled to make ends meet. I saw her do it but I just can't understand how she did it. That's when I pulled some strings with Mr. Mackenzie so that she could get a good job, even though she wasn't qualified. I kept tabs on her through Mackenzie, and when I felt the time was right I introduced myself. Some of my men that were out with some business associates heard them talking about bitch ass Micheal. He was on the search to find Keisha and punish her for leaving him because she was pregnant and hid it from him. I have to step in and protect her from that giant asshole. Not only her but her family as well. It's such a strong and intense feeling, I surprised myself. Although I know some of what she's been through and the fear she feels, I can't bring myself to not do what I'm about to do; because if that dogshit thinks he's getting anywhere near my woman, with or without intentions to hurt her, I'll break every bone in his miserable body. Micheal, that son of a bitch is in for a world of pain. Just then I got a call on my phone. I can see it's Carlos, hopefully, he got some Intel on the whereabouts of that sleazeball.

"What's new?" I started the conversation by getting straight to business.

"Boss," Carlos says. "We know the whereabouts of Micheal."

"Good," I replied.

" What's the next action of the plan?" Carlos asked.

"Gather the guys, meet here in fifteen."

"Yes," Carlos says sternly.

"Meet me in the office, we'll talk then." I don't want my honeycomb to know how vile I am just yet. Whether or not she's sleeping I'm not taking the chance that she might hear us.

We are in my big home office. Several men are here discussing business, and by that, I mean how to fuck up Michael's life. I've had a vendetta against that major asshole for a long time. The first time he came to me over five years ago for help, he was a young buck just starting to learn the trade. I took him under my wing and taught him everything he knows. Watered him and put him in good soil and watched him prosper. Then he flourished and spread his feathers like a big peacock, he got big-headed. Even took some of my men and betrayed me. Stole my coke and my money; started up in a different city and became a fucking kingpin in a few years. Maybe I taught him too fucking well. I'm getting pissed off remembering all this shit. All these men chatting nonsense and can't come up with a fucking solution.

I slammed my fist on the wooden table."FUCK!" I shouted my frustrations. All the men in the room got quiet. "We need to get in contact with Mackenzie! Where the hell is that bastard?" I shouted. The whole room was silent, I was fuming.

"It seems Mackenzie betrayed us, boss," Lorenzo says, he was a tall slim guy covered in tattoos from head to toe.

"He has been MIA since we torched the office so he could collect the insurance money!" Carlos added, he was equally pissed.

"Let us assume that Mackenzie, was a complete spy and connected to Micheal, how do we turn this to our advantage?" Shane asked, he had a long mohawk, and tattoos at either side of his shaved head.

"He's a whole motherfucking drug kingpin. We have to be smart about this." I say, "First thing is first, find that rat Mackenzie. He may have the twins."

"Yes, Boss!" They answered in unison.

"I want his fucking head, and then send the rest of him in pieces to Micheal," I growled menacingly.

"It needs to be done subtly, Keisha can't know about any of this," I say looking around the room. I leaned back in my chair, and broodingly asked, "Any suggestions?" They better cut the bullshit and come up with something fast, or else somebody getting shot.

"Boss," Mario spoke up softly. He was a tall slim-built guy covered in tattoos. "Boss, I think I have a hunch on where Mackenzie may be hiding. He had a broad uptown, I bet she knows something." I smiled like a cashmere cat. Ding! Ding! Ding! Folks, we have a winner. "Find the bitch and bring her to me ASAP!" The order was given, Mario and Lorenzo left together. The others and I waited for their return.

It was in the early hours of the morning when Mario and Lorenzo returned with a big tit blonde broad, she was still in her panties and a tank top. Looks like they had to get rough with her because she had a bruise on her leg, a black eye, and a busted lip. We are in the safe room, once it's locked on the inside nothing can get in or out. Including sounds.

"Where's Mackenzie?" I asked her, "My patience is wearing thin." Time is running out, and I have to find those babies before they are in Micheal's hands. She is on her knees in front of me.

"Like I told your goons, I don't know." She answered defiantly, A little spitfire.

"I don't like repeating myself. Do you know what happens if I am to repeat myself?" I asked her grimly as Carlos handed me a deadly looking knife. She paled in her face and started to visibly shake. "I don't know where he is!" She shouted.

I bent over her and held her chin firmly in my hands, I took the knife and calmly sliced the left side of her face from the tip of the brow to the end of the jawline. She screamed in agony and pissed herself. Blood ran from her wound freely, down her top and messing up the floors and myself.

"That's gonna need stitches," I said in distaste.

"He left me two days ago and said he was going to Alexandria at the head office. It's at 39 Doody Street, NSW 2015. PO Box 7090," She said in a rush.

I immediately released her from my hands, she bent over in pain clutching her face. "Vax and Pox, check out the address, and report your findings to Carlos, Lorenzo you stay with the bitch do whatever you want but keep her alive." I reeled off the orders for each man. "The rest of you are dismissed, I'm heading back to Keisha," I said with finality and exited the room.

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