Chapter Forty Four

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Before the Chaos

Dafydd ap Andras, was born in a small village in the south of Wales in the 14th Century. Dafydd's mother died in childbirth, and at birth he began to manifest mutant powers; he was stronger and smarter than other kids his age. In 1347 the Black Death spread into the village. The villagers blamed it on Dafydd, believing what he was a "changeling". The villagers wanted to sacrifice Dafydd in order to stop the plague, but his father, Andras, refused to give in to their demands. The villagers then set fire to his home, killing Andras and nearly killing Dafydd. Dafydd was saved by Damian Tryp Sr., his own future version who returned into the past and teleported Dafydd from the burning house.

Afterwards, Dafydd then travelled the world, studying dark magic, seeking to become immortal. As time passed, Dafydd's mutant powers evolved and linked him to the Earth's elemental essence. Thanks to it his aging slowed down and he was now existing simultaneously across all points of his timeline.

A new group of mutants has arisen under Charles Xavier. In the aftermath of Generation X joining with Xavier's school, its members have been sent throughout the many X-teams. One of those is the newly assembled X-Factor Investigations, a team meant to investigate anti-mutant movements. Led by Jamie Madrox, alos known as Multiple Man, and former X-Force member Wolfsbane, the team also includes: Rictor, the earthquake spawning mutant, Chamber, the former Generation X leader, the screaming Siryn, the super strength wielding Strong Guy, and the magic using Butterfly. Together, this team  investigates people in power who are using their wealth to discriminate against mutants. The team soons gets into conflict with an anti-mutant group known as Singularity Investigations, who are trying to discover the best way to permanently prevent mutants from being born.

Later. . .

X-Factor breaks into the organization's headquarters, where they see that they have obtained some sort of ancient formula intended to wipe out mutants: the Legacy Virus. Noting that the first mention of the Legacy Virus in history comes from the time of Apocalypse, the team tries to rush and find the formula's location. However, they are attacked by agents of Singularity Investigations, who just happen to be sporting a different name: Essex Corporation. Discovering that Singularity is really a shell for this mysterious Essex Corp, X-Factor prepares to reveal this to the public, when they are greeted by the CEO of Singularity: Damian Tryp Jr.

 Discovering that Singularity is really a shell for this mysterious Essex Corp, X-Factor prepares to reveal this to the public, when they are greeted by the CEO of Singularity: Damian Tryp Jr

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He explains that his goal is to prevent mutants from overtaking the world, as his father always believed they would. So, he partnered with Nathaniel Essex, also known as Mister Sinister who provided him with the ancient formula. He then has his agents attack the team and blow up X-Factor Investigations. The X-Factor team escapes, but without any of their investigation equipment. Afterwards, using their skills, X-Factor locates Tryp's helicopter, and blow it up. With the head cut off, the team expects smooth sailing when walking into Singularity to get the Legacy Virus, but find Tryp with it in his hands. It would appear that they killed a decoy. In the last seconds, as Tryp prepares to deploy the Legacy Virus, Madrox surrounds and kills him, destroying the Legacy Virus and Singularity Investigations.

Now. . .


Singularity Investigations, know as SI for short, was a company owned and operated by Damian Tryp

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Singularity Investigations, know as SI for short, was a company owned and operated by Damian Tryp. SI is a kind of a security outfit for the rich and famous, but also provides a number of different services legal representation and bio-engineering.

After M-Day, Singularity Investigations began to come into direct competition with Madrox's X-Factor Investigations. Ancient Tryp claimed that he and SI were trying to prevent a possible future where mutants would become drunk with power and destroy civilization, until it was too late.

"And that, my little children is the truth."  Damian says showing young mutants holographic chart. He then senses a presence nearby in the shadows and slowly lifts his hand. "Begone, my children."

*[The mutant kids stand up and leave]*

"I figured you would come. It was. . . inevitable. But before you act, I need to ask: Have you ever been oppressed? Hounded?  Teased? Or even killed? That is what Homo Superior deals with on a constant basis if you must know."

Damian walks around his observatory in his office building. "I made a deal with someone in your universe. Universe H343 I think is how he said it. He told me that if I died, my sprit will transfer into his, as well as my knowledge of C.S.A.T's upgraded infantry and even. . . powers. There's also - my variants.

Damian turns and spreads his arms. "From what I'm foreseeing. . . You otherworldly Warders have two options: Kill me, spare me.

It was at that moment that Frank quickly mowed down Damian in a fit of rage.

It was at that moment that Frank quickly mowed down Damian in a fit of rage

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Oj: Couldn't done it better myself.

Mark: Let's bring Frank and these resources of Singularly. Maybe N.A.T.O. can bio-eingineer something.

Frank: *[Smiles]*

And with that, the Warders all soon boarded the Avenger and made the jump to Subspace back into their own dimension.

Author's Note: Stay tuned next week.

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