Chapter Sixteen

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Covenant Boarding Craft #11045-68

En route to Human Defense Platform "Cairo"

Commander Zavi 'Peutomee was on guard. With a plasma rifle in his right, a Needler on his hip, and four grenades attached to his belt, and iron-glad determination; he was feared by the lower races and respected by his superiors. Plus, on occasion, he had performed some zany feats during combat, such as charge at a Human fortification with two grenades lit and took out seventy-five of the vermin at once, and then sprinted back uninjured under heavy fire. He had a wild look in his eyes that gave the other races pause.

Some thought he was crazy. Others admired his bravery and loyalty. Alot more were indifferent.

But on this day, the Prophet of Regret had tasked him with a special mission. He was currently en route to what the Humans called "Cairo", one of their many orbital defense systems.

He smiled slightly, then suddenly grunted. Stupid filthy animals, Zavi thought, with their primitive technology and projectile weapons. Their goofy expressions and ridiculous names.

The pilot, a young Elite named Torlo, shook him from his thoughts: "All troops! ETA in sixty seconds! Prepare to deploy quickly, as is, we have a special device aboard."

'Peutomee manuvered toward the front of the craft. The dull glow from the dimmed cabin lights washed his maroon armor in a ghostly hue as he addressed his battle group.

"Noble Warriors of the Covenant," he began. "You have all been hand-picked by the Prophets for a special mission. The blessings of the Prophet of Regret have been bestowed upon you all!" He paused for Torlo.

"ETA in thirty seconds!" the pilot exclaimed over the COM.

"Today will be a glorious day for the Covenant!" Zavi continued. "For we have found the vermin's most sacred homeworld. Warriors, prepare for combat! The blood of our fallen brothers shall be avenged!" His plasma rifle hummed to life as the Elites and Grunts let out growls of fury.

The boarding craft was almost to the station. The clamps on the sides of the vessel came to life and quickly snapped into position. 'Peutomee checked an overlay of the Cairo's schematics on his HUD. Their destination, according to the blueprints and radio reports, was what the Humans called a "Fire Control Center." Where the ship would attach would be as close as possible to this location, as well as to ensure a uncontested path with little or no resistance.

Through the cramped viewport, Commander 'Peutomee gazed into space, seraching for the Cairo's sister platform Malta. His mandibles curled in slightly, the equivalent to a small smirk.

Any moment now, Zavi thought as the open port of the craft smashed through a small window, the three clamps burrowing into the perimeter of the window to hold the craft in place.

"Torlo, Usa, grab the package and bring it outside," he ordered to the pilot and his second-in-command. "The rest of you scoundrels stay close and provide covering fire if attacked."

The plasma field covering the front end deactivated. No sign of the enemy...yet. "File out so Torlo and Usa can move the bomb. Take up defensive positions around the hole."

The Grunts and the other two Elites filed out the front and took cover behind various boxes, facing away from the craft. Plasma pistols, rifles, and needlers were raised and ready as a few Grunts sniffed for Human scents. None in the immediate area, a Grunt Major named Turap reported.

It took a few minutes for the pilot and Zavi's second-in-command to drag the bomb out of the craft, sparks flying as the spikes grated on the floor. Everytime the device screeched, the commander tensed. Each noise made could alert nearby enemies. But his motion detector was clean except for the occasional signature of one of the the Human's bombers flying by the window.

Usa had spotted a large push-cart a few meters from the craft, and he and Torlo dragged the bomb towards it. Zavi grinned at his underling's creative thinking. "Great idea, Usa. That will put us ahead of schedule, and that means we can leave sooner."

As the bomb was loaded onto the cart, the bad news came.

"Commander 'Peutomee, this is Field Master Yiris 'Lupomee." The calm voice crackled over his COM.

"Sir? What do you require?" Zavi replied, puzzled.

"The Demon is aboard this station. Tell your team to be extra vigilant," Field Master 'Lupomee explained. "Once the other bombs go off, he'll know what's going on."

The commander silently cursed the Prophet for selecting him for this mission. He clicked the COM and asked, "Any change in orders?"

"Yes," Yiris answered. "You have to stay with the bomb once it's in position, and guard it from the Demon. Once he is killed, activate it and try to escape."

Zavi's fist clenched tight. He was mad at the Demon for wrecking his mission, but he was even more upset with the Prophet of Regret.

That ugly bastard will live up to his name and regret his decision, the Elite thought angrily.

"Thank you, Field Master. I will not fail," he finally said.

"I have faith in you," the Field Master replied. "You're a fine soldier, Zavi. Good luck." The COM light on his HUD dimmed, then winked from existence. He turned to his troops. They were all facing him, including Torlo and Usa.

"New orders from the Field Master." The mention of the rank caused the Grunts to straighten up more, and he began to relay the change in orders to his battle group.

Earlier on, Sergeant Johnson and the squad of Marines had been ordered to find Commander Keyes and escort her to her vessel, In Amber Clad. The sergeant had said that he and the Chief would meet up later, and the two warriors parted ways. Now the Master Chief was just leaving Security A-01 through a small pressurized door, and was now entering what was designated as Hanger Bar A-01. He stepped in to the cavernous hanger bay and surveyed his surroundings, Battle Rifle at the ready.

Meanwhile. . .

A large, massive planetary body is moving slowly through the vast reaches of outer space. Searching for it's people.

Convergence Infinites: HaloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora