Chapter Four

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Gravemind sent out a signal to the Flood forms: assist the Humans and Elites, but destroy everything else.
At least one thousand combat forms of all types screeched and clawed their way to a large door, followed by thousands of infection forms. They began attacking the large metal door, and were knocked back by a large explosion from the other side. Another explosion created a small hole in the door, which was big enough for each combat form to pass through one by one, and for infection forms to pass through by the ten’s. They all poured into the room, and seen the small group of Elites and Humans, and redirected their attacks at the Brutes and everything else that wasn’t restricted. Johnson stared in awe as the Flood completely passed them up and attacked the armada.
“What in the hell is going on..?” Johnson wondered aloud. John was wondering the same thing, but the Arbiter was prepared to fight the Flood. He kept himself ready, but restrained from attacking first. He wanted to see what the Flood did before he engaged them.

The Flood passed through the enemies as if they were hot butter. What the combat forms left behind the infection forms cleaned up. They continued to tear through them, to where there was none left. One combat form looked around and seen the ones they were supposed to be helping, but it didn’t care what it was - it wanted to just kill. It jumped high into the air and pulled back its deformed arm, ready to hit the nearest sentient being. Its attack was cut off, however, as the Arbiter was waiting for this. He pulled his sword back and forced it into the combat form’s spongy body, causing it to evaporate.

The rest of the Flood turned to attack.

Great...” the Chief muttered as the Flood turned towards the team. The combat forms hesitated a moment, but the infection forms swarmed the group. The Arbiter raised his sword, and began slashing through the mass of mushroom-shaped Flood. Johnson raised his beam rifle, and fired randomly into the onslaught.
“Dammit! No good. Chief, have any ideas?” Johnson inquired hopefully.

John fired off two Brute shot grenades into the mass. “None whatsoever.”

“Had a feeling you would say that.”

The Arbiter narrowed his eyes through the mess of Flood, and he seen about a dozen carrier forms waddling towards them. “I might have an idea...” he said slowly. He reached for his belt, and grabbed a plasma grenade. He clicked the activation button, and tossed it at the carriers. The grenade latched onto one of the carriers in the center of the formation, and after three seconds, exploded. The eleven other carriers surrounding the tagged one fell, and exploded, launched countless infection forms. However, about twenty combatants were vaporized in the process, opening up a small hole in the formation.

John pointed. “There!” he shouted, and they all nodded. The Chief, Johnson, the Arbiter, and four Elites made it through, but the rest were overpowered by the Flood forms. Johnson turned around and sealed a blast door. The thick plates slid together with startling speed, connected, and locked.

“That oughta hold ‘em,” Johnson heaved. “Hope so, anyway. I never want to see that many damned deformed freaks ever again.”

John laughed a moment, and agreed. He tried to reach Cortana on a COM link, but no response. Had she been destroyed when the Flood turned on the team? He didn’t know, but he hoped she was in good condition.

Meanwhile. . .

The Ark

The Ark

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