Chapter One

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There he stood, one among thousands

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There he stood, one among thousands. The Master Chief was greatly outnumbered on the Covanent cruiser. He was unarmed - clearly unable to defend himself. However, he was in luck. Most of the opposition happened to be sleeping Grunts, and no Elites to wake them all up. It seemed that fate wanted the Chief to get off of that ship in one piece. So, he silently passed the Grunts, hoping that he wouldn't encounter anything awake.

The Chief crept around a corner only to see a Jackal in his face. Before the Jackal could do a thing, the Chief reached out at the alien's throat and squeezed, killing it. He looked around the room to see if anything had noticed him, but again, nothing was in his way. He disabled the Jackal's shield, and slung the body over his shoulder. He began to sneak into a well-hidden corner, and he quietly hid the body. He prayed that no one would discover it.
He began to walk a little faster, trying to avoid anymore awake guards. He turned a corner, and the first thing he seen just happened to be an Elite - with its back turned. The Chief quickly punched the Elite in the back of the head, crushing its skull. Unfortunately, the Elite had a Plasma Rifle in its hands, and it squeezed the trigger, firing off multiple plasma bolts. The little problem woke up every Grunt in the area, causing an even bigger problem. The Chief stared into this mess.

"Dammit..." he muttered.
Just then, the Grunts all fired on his position, needles and plasma bolts zooming towards him. The Chief rolled forward into a doorway, the door parted, and he rolled into a new hallway. The door shut closed behind him, and the Chief quickly disabled the door's motion sensor so it wouldn't open automatically when that army of Grunts come after him. He sprinted down the hallway, and he came to a fork. Left or right. The Chief checked each way, and turned left, hoping it was the right way.
It wasn't.

As soon as he turned the first corner, he ran into a group of Elites decked out in silver armor, a strike force. It occurred to the Chief that the group was deployed to find him since he escaped his cell. The majority of the Elites raised their rifles, but the leading Elite raised a hand to the others.

"Do not harm the Demon. We must take him alive," it told its comrades. Unfortunate for one Elite, it fired anyway. The leading Elite brought out a Plasma Sword, and turned around and sliced through the other Elite's hands. The Elite screamed, and fell to the ground, whimpering. The leading Elite turned to the rest of them. "The next one to disobey me will receive far greater punishment."

Now, the Master Chief had no idea as to what the hell happened. All he knew is that one Elite sliced off another Elite's hands because it fired at him. Fortunately, his suit's translator kicked in, and he understood. The Prophets wanted him alive for some reason. He, however, was not restricted to non-lethal force. He swung a fist at of the Elites, turned around, and kicked another in the side of the head. One of the Elites dropped to the ground, and so did its Plasma Rifle. The Chief went for the weapon, but the leading Elite brought out the sword once again and, this time, brought the blade down on the rifle, rendering the weapon useless.

"Not today, Demon. Not today," it stated. "Collect him; he is to be brought before the Council.

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