
39 4 6

29 ABY

Sunday, January, 2023

The Yuuzhan Vong recently captured Coruscant after a long and fierce battle and the New Alliance Transcendence Organization, also called N.A.T.O. had forces from the Union, Dominion, Eternal Empire, Confederacy, Autobots, and even the more recently formed Eternal Order scattered across the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong began Vongforming the planet and renamed it Yuuzhan'tar after their old home world from their own home galaxy.

With the capture of Coruscant, the New Republic and their various predecessors' effectively ceased to exist as a functioning state.

In the aftermath of Coruscant's fall, Fleet Group Three, retreating from Coruscant under the command of General Wedge Antilles, attacked and retook the lightly-defended Borleias from the Yuuzhan Vong. Antilles planned to use the Pyria system as a waystation for refugees fleeing Coruscant, and soon afterwards, the remnants of the New Republic's government led by Senator Pwoe arrived. With Borsk Fey'lya's death, Pwoe had proclaimed himself Chief of State in the chaos that had followed Coruscant's fall, and he commanded Antilles to hold the system in a delaying action until the Advisory Council could evacuate to Kuat.

The recent arrival of the Eternal Order's newly founded capital: Zonama Sekot caused little panic amongst the Yuuzhan Vong. The prophet Yu'shaa, in truth Nom Anor, had been preaching to the Shamed Ones that Zonama Sekot's arrival would signal the fall of the Elite's oppression of the Shamed Ones. The Shamed Ones, seeing their hour at hand, went into open revolt, dividing the forces of the Warrior caste. Zonama Sekot also dispersed the Rainbow Bridge of asteroids, causing the planet's Dovin basals to focus on keeping asteroids from falling to the planet. Already engaged at Mon Calamari, Warmaster Nas Choka ordered the Yuuzhan Vong fleet to return to Yuuzhan'tar, and recalled forces from many other planets in the Yuuzhan Vong empire.

However, some Domains refused to acknowledge the order, for fear they would have to attack Zonama Sekot. Regardless, Choka was able to amass a huge force, ready to attack the planetary intruder. When it was assembled, Shimrra Jamaane, the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, ordered them to hold position.

The Grand General of the Confederacy of Independent Systems: Joseph Kirkpatrick Jordan waited on Raxus Prime and turned on his transmitter and waited. As he waited for Count Dooku to answer, he thought about the threat.

Joey had learned very little during the last N.A.T.O. meeting. The mission, the planet, and the disappearance of Master Vergere he had known about, of course. He had spoken to many of his contacts and like his slightly younger brother: Delvargus Jordan Kong Junior had learned much about the alien threat. The two close blood brothers tried to find ways of subtly revealing some of what they had learned from their perspective contacts. Now, the two brothers and their massive families had to hold the line from the extra-galactic invaders.

The hologram shimmered to life in front of him. "General," Count Dooku said with an elegant bow.

"Count Dooku," Joseph replied. This time he is skipping the pleasantries - not that he normally including them with those close to Joey anyway, of course.

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