Chapter Eight

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How far is a warrior willing to go to achieve glory? Through the fires of war, many are willing to make whatever sacrifices are needed to achieve their goals. However, when does a warrior cross the line of morality? When does a warrior begin to achieve power not for the sake of others, but power, for power's sake? How far will a warrior go before he or she becomes the very embodiment of the evil he or she has sworn to destroy?

25 ABY


The population of Ithor had been evacuated to Mon Calamari

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The population of Ithor had been evacuated to Mon Calamari. By request of Admiral Traest Kre'fey, and much to Chief of State Delvargus Jordan Kong Junior's approval, Imperial Admiral Gilad Pellaeon took command of New Republic and Imperial Remnant forces.

Soon, Yuuzhan Vong forces arrived in-system above Ithor, led by the Legacy of Torment. Rogue Squadron engaged Coralskippers and started destroying Yorik-vecs. Anni Capstan, Jaina Solo's wingmate was killed in a dogfight, causing Jaina to feel great sadness.

Standard tactics for dealing with coralskippers, where weak lasers were shot at a fighter to overload the dovin basal-generated voids, then killing the ship with a stronger shot, proved ineffective against larger capital ship analogs. The dovin basals on the larger vessels devoted less energy to maneuvering, and more to shielding, resulting in a stronger defense.

 The dovin basals on the larger vessels devoted less energy to maneuvering, and more to shielding, resulting in a stronger defense

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Yuuzhan Vong Commander Shedao Shai led his warriors against a building defended by turrets and housed by droids. Little did he know, the building was a trap, an explosion set to go off when a specific computer console was destroyed. Because of the Vong's hatred of technology, the terminal was destroyed, and most of the warriors were killed in the resulting blast, though Shai himself escaped.

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