Chapter 25, Sur

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I leave my family in the sitting room while I go downstairs to answer the door, hoping with everything I am that this doesn't turn out to be a massive mistake and turn our lives upside down. If there was any way around it I wouldn't even answer the door. I would just pretend that nothing outside our home exists.

I take a deep, steadying breath, and open the door. I'm greeted by a familiar friendly face, easing some of the tension from my shoulders.

"Greffions, it's nice to see you, old friend." I smile genuinely as I shake his hand in greeting.

"You as well, Suraned. I assume you know why I am here?" He asks, with excitement and happiness in his voice.

Greff is a good incubi, one Rath and I knew in our younger years. He comes from a good family and is bonded to two other good men. Greff is yellow in coloring, with a boyish charm, and is perpetually happy. Why he decided long ago to join the king's brutal army and work closely at the palace, I'll never understand.

"Yes," I sigh, "we've been waiting on a summons." I look him in the eyes and let some of my worry show on my face. "What can we expect from the kings, Greff? You understand I can not and will not allow harm to come to my mate." I don't want it to come to it, but I will kill Greff and any other who try to bring harm to Nessola, she is mine to protect, always.

Greff looks at me with shock and understanding, before giving me an understanding nod and small smile, easing more tension from my shoulders.

"It's nothing like that, Sur. I assure you, old friend. The kings are more animated and excited than I've ever seen them. Even the prince was seen smiling at the news." He informs me, shocking me at the news about the broody prince.

"Prince? Does that mean I have a brother?" My mate's sweet voice asks from behind me. I see Greff's eyes go wide before he kneels on the ground and lowers his head in respect.

"Princess," he breathes out, "it is an honor to be in your presence."

"Now this is more like it." Nessola snorts out a laugh as she comes to stand in front of him. She looks at me and raises a perfect brow. "This is how I prefer to be greeted, not growled at in an alley." She lifts her nose and stares at me with superiority, but I see the mischievous glint in her eyes before she faces Greff again. "At ease soldier, knight, guard... whatever you are." She waves her hand in a rolling motion. "You know what I mean, stand up or whatever." Greff looks at me for confirmation and I nod my head. He stands up and looks at Nessola in wonder.

"My name is Greffions, most people call me Greff. It is a true honor to be in your service, my princess." He greets her.

"Greff, aren't you sweet. If I didn't have my hands full with three mates I would definitely show you a good time for all that sweetness." She smirks when his cheeks visibly darken.

"You will entertain no one but us three you little minx." Rath growls as he comes up to us and grabs Nessola by the hips and buries his face in her neck on a deep inhale while growling. Nessola just rolls her eyes and sighs.

"They're a possessive lot." She informs Greff, as if he doesn't know how incubi are. "You put out one time and all of a sudden it's 'mine this and mine that.' Bunch of children with the grabby hands." She says it like it's an inconvenience but I see her smile and the way she nuzzles her cheek against Rath's cheek. She loves this, she's just too afraid to show it. That's fine, we can work with that.

Greff looks at me with confusion, at a loss for words. I just shrug my shoulders at him, "she has that affect." And she does. You never know what to expect from her.

She's perfect.

"So what is this about a prince brother?" She asks. Honestly, I forgot about him or I would have told her ahead of time.

"Yes, princess. You have a brother. He is much older but seems excited about your arrival." Greff tells her.

"Well that's good. At least I don't have to worry about one day taking my father's place and ruling or anything. Assuming that's how things work here." She muses, more to herself, as she has her eyes closed and is swaying back and forth in Rath's arms. I guarantee she doesn't even realize she's doing it.

"Umm, actually," Greff clears his throat and looks uncomfortable as his feet dance back and forth like he can't decide how to stand. Nessola opens her eyes and gives him all her attention.

"Fuck, don't you dare tell me I'm expected to one day rule or some shit." She nearly snarls as she stares daggers at him.

"I'm sorry, but yes, princess. It is your rightful place." He whispers, while avoiding looking at her.

"Why the fuck so? Shouldn't that go to the oldest child? The male heir?" She asks. "I'm all for women ruling but fuck no. I don't want it. Give it to someone more qualified."

"Little mate," Dhar joins us from the shadows he was likely hiding in, in case he needed to surprise attack, I'm sure. "The prince is not fit to rule, and it is your birth right." He calmly tells her, but of course, she's having none of it.

"No. Nope. Fuck that." She shakes her head and crosses her arms. "I'll tell the kings No to their faces. I didn't even know this world existed until like a couple days ago. They can swear in someone else or whatever they do."

"Little one, the kings have ruled for millennia. I'm sure you have thousands of years left before you ever have to ascend to the throne. We have time." I try to reassure her.

"Whatever. I'll talk to the old bastards myself." She scoffs, and Greff nearly chokes on his tongue at her crass words, but wisely keeps his mouth shut. "Why can't the prince do it? What makes him so unfit?"

"Ah, he um, he... murdered... his bond mates." Greff answers.

"Why the fuck did he do that?" She asks.

"No one but the kings and the prince know. I'm sorry I don't have all the answers, princess." He looks genuinely upset he doesn't have all the answers for her.

"It's not your fault. I'll get answers once we get there." She tells him confidently.

"I would advise against asking the prince that, princess. He's quite... prickly. And to be frank, he's fond of murder. Very fond. Like all the time. Just kill, kill, kill." Greff stops talking and visibly snaps his mouth closed, obviously not meaning to go off on a rant. Nessola, my crazy woman, just chuckles.

"Thank you for the advisement, Greff. But I'm tired of being in the dark about everything. It's time for me to get some answers." She looks at each of us. "Let's go and get this show on the road, shall we?"

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