Chapter 21, Nessola

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Ready or not, little mate, I'm coming for you. We are either going to fight or fuck this sadness out. You're not alone anymore. You have three strong mates to bare your burdens to.

Dhar's words whisper through my mind and make my emotions ramp up even more, except instead of hopelessness and sorrow, that annoying hunger starts up in my stomach again.

How the fuck am I hungry again? The threesome we had mere hours ago was like an all you can eat buffet. I thought fucking those three were supposed to fill up my dick-o-meter all the way? Just more bullshit piled on top of my shit sandwich.

I roll my eyes at my self deprecating thoughts and remove the pillow from my head as Dhar barges into the room. I scowl at him with my most menacing glare but it has zero affect on him, especially since he radiates fucking sunshine, making my scowl feel forced. The guy is always so happy and carefree it makes it nearly impossible to be upset around him.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm wallowing here?" I grumble, wanting him to leave me the hell alone even though my hunger is practically salivating at his proximity.

"Sorry, little mate. You don't get to wallow in misery alone anymore." He says in a way too cherry voice before plopping his fine ass right on the bed, causing my body to jostle and making me scowl even harder. He boops me on the nose and grins at me. "Don't give me that look. If you're up for a fight then we can fight, I'll even let you get some hits in. Or we can fuck the aggression out." He waggles his brows suggestively. "Fight or fuck, little mate. The choice is yours."

I want to punch him in his annoyingly happy face but I also want to feel his magic cock slide inside me to rid me of this hunger. I scramble up onto my knees and quickly pull my shirt off, sneering at him as he bites his plump bottom lip while he ogles my breasts.

"Why not both?" I ask, before launching myself at him and pinning him flat to the bed while he's momentarily stunned.

"Oh, baby." He purrs, not looking the least bit uncomfortable with my knee pinning his chest to the bed while my hands fist his horns to keep him from moving. "I love the way you think."

Before I can respond, he grabs my hips and flips us over with a speed I hadn't anticipated. I suck in a gasp at the movement and he extends his claws, which I didn't know he could fucking do, and shreds my bottoms until they lay around me in tatters, baring all of me to him.

"That's cheating!" I growl at him as he pins my hands above my head on the bed. "I didn't know you could grow claws." He smiles smugly at me and leans down to kiss my lips in a quick peck. I'm choosing to ignore how that makes me feel.

"Little mate, you can do it too. Watch." He holds up one hand and shows me his normal looking fingers. Then he flexes those fingers and sharp black claws extend, looking like a wolverine. "Just flex your fingers and put intent behind the movement." He explains, before drawing them back in and using that hand to softly stroke my side, making me shiver.

"Cool. Now let me try." I smile sweetly at him.

"Not a chance, firecracker." He grins. "You'll claw my face off right now and I need my face to eat your pussy." Fucker.

I let out a defeated huff and let my body go lax. He feels my surrender and loosens his grip on my hands to slide them down my outstretched arms and over my breasts. I take advantage of the opportunity and grab his tail.

I pull it towards my face and bite down on it. Hard. I expect him to yell and jump back, but he shocks the ever loving fuck out of me by moaning in ecstasy and twitching above me.

"Did you... did you just come?" I choke out a shocked laugh.

"Fuck yes, I did." He groans. "Nessola, do you realize what you just did?" He looks me in the eyes and I see awe, gratitude, and shock in his depths.

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