Chapter Five, Dhar

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Nessola, my mate's name, is the most beautiful name I've ever heard. I'm sure I'm biased, but it doesn't make it any less true. The fact that she's alive, that she exists, is a miracle in itself, so even if she had a stupid fucking name it would still be beautiful because it's hers.

Harath and Suraned, my clan mates, are pounding against the barrier I have up in my mind blocking them out. I'm sure they can feel through our bond that I just marked our mate, and are going out of their mind trying to find out what happened, but fuck them. I found her first, and this is our moment. Those assholes will get their turn later.

It's honestly a fucking miracle that she's still alive. She's the first succubus in existence, as far as we know, in over two hundred years. How she's avoided our radar this long is a mystery. How she's survived all these years in the human realm is a damn puzzle, a puzzle we have to solve as soon as we get her energy stores above a critical level.

She's a succubus, and survives off of semen and sexual energy, and from the state I found her in; she had maybe a week left before her body would give out from starvation. She's also mine and my clan mates' fated mate, and we are the luckiest sons of cunts in the underworld. I'm just glad I got the chance to mark her with my bite before some other fucker sniffed her out and decided to steal her. I'm also smug as fuck that I got to be the first to mark her, something I'm definitely going to have bragging rights about for eternity.

Suraned, Harath, and I are incubi, and we live in the underworld; what humans call hell for some reason, and we came to the earth realm after there was a spike in human energy drainings reported. When an incubi, or a succubus if my suspicions are correct, sleeps with a human it drains the human of almost all of their life force. Humans are weak, feeble, little creatures, so it doesn't take much to suck the life out of them. If my little mate is the one doing the draining, then I'm truly shocked at how she's able to leave them alive afterwards based on how low her energy levels are.

Usually we ignore reports about human drainings, because we honestly just don't fucking care, but Suraned had a 'gut feeling' that something big was happening here. I definitely had to eat humble pie for making fun of him when we got here and found one of the drained humans. We were able to pick up the scent of our mate on the poor sap and tracked her down. We watched her walk into the concrete building she lives in last night and decided to wait until this morning to approach her.

We know she's lived in the human realm her whole life, because if she had set foot in the underworld everyone would have known, therefore we can't be sure of what exactly her knowledge is on what she is. We have to assume the worst, which is that she believes she's human. Which if that's the case, this is going to be a fucking nightmare process. It will be worth it though, because we have a true mate.

Since succubi are always fated mates to a clan of incubi, and succubi have not been in existence for years, no incubi clans have been able to have a fated mate. We are the first in a very long time, and this news is going to rock the underworld to its core.

It's fantastic news, because it means we can breed with our mate and possibly bring more succubi into the world, bringing our people back from the brink of extinction. Incubi can procreate with other female demons, but it only produces incubi, and even then the birth rates are maybe one in a thousand. Succubus are the only known species that can successfully birth an incubi's baby, other demons rarely survive the pregnancy because incubi steal the mother's life force. Over time, we have found ways to keep the mother's alive long enough for the birth, but then they die during the delivery.

My clan mates and I had already accepted that we would always remain childless, we refuse to ever cause a woman to endure such horrors, but now...

"Oh my fucking God!" My mates shrieking pulls me out of my thoughts, and I look at her and see her wiping between her legs with a scowl on her face. She's so precious.

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