Chapter 20, Dhar

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We watch our mate walk away with our hearts in our throats as the despair rolls off her. Watching our fierce and headstrong mate break apart like this absolutely destroys me.

I was honestly expecting her to lose her shit and possibly maim us. I would much prefer that than this sadness. I'll even hold completely still as she holds the blade to my throat if it would make her happy.

"This is so fucked." I practically whine.

"I'm going after her." Rath declares, but Sur's hand on his shoulder stops him.

"Give her some space." He quietly demands. "She has just had everything ripped out from under her and we are the underlying root at the moment since we are the ones to drop all of this on her. She needs a moment."

"Fine, but only a moment." Rath growls.

"Agreed. Like a hundred and twenty seconds." I say, and then think better of it. "At most." I correct.

"When she snaps your neck that's on you." Sur sighs.

"I don't care, as long as she's touching me." I scoff out. A broken neck is nothing as long as it helps her out of this depression.

"Do you think the Kings know she's here?" Rath randomly asks. Who gives a shit about them right now? Our mate is hurting

"Of course they do." Sur answers. "Not only would they sense her presence the moment we arrived in the Underworld, but everyone in town saw her. There's no mistaking what and who she is with her coloring. The Hag of all people made the connection right away." I see the worry in his eyes and try my best to tamp down my own trepidation. "It's a matter of time before they demand our presence."

"If they even attempt to take her from us I will light this entire realm ablaze and smile in glee as the whole thing burns to ash." Rath grinds out with a feral gleam in his eye.

"Calm yourself, Harath." Sur carefully coaxes. "We are already mated to her, they can't take her from us."

"True. Besides, she's the first succubus in centuries, I'm sure they will be thrilled to have her here and happy with her mates." I add. Rath looks at me like I've lost my head.

"She is their daughter. After losing their mate to the sickness they will want to lock her up in a gilded cage in a lame attempt to protect her."

"Have you met our mate?" I scoff. "She would murder them where they stand and then sit on the throne with their heads on a spike before she ever allowed them or anyone to order her around, much less lock her up." I can see the moment my words penetrate his mind because a feral grin spreads across his face.

"Very true. Our mate is a strong one." He chuckles.

"She will need to be to face her new life before the dust settles." Sur says, without taking his eyes off the stairs where our mate disappeared to.

"I'm hard as fuck imagining her standing above the kingdom with the blood of our enemies covering her as she looks down upon them in challenge." Rath groans while cupping his cock.

"It's been long enough, I'm going to her." I declare, and don't give them time to stop me before I'm bounding up the steps towards our perfect mate.

"Dhar, it's only been eighty seconds!" Sur whisper shouts. I just chuckle.

"So you've been counting, brother?" I tease. "Besides, I said at most."

"We are so fucked." Sur says on an exhale.

"That's the best way to be." Rath says, before whispering more to himself, "I'll grab the chocolate."

Ready or not, little mate, I'm coming for you. We are either going to fight or fuck this sadness out. You're not alone anymore. You have three strong mates to bare your burdens to.

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