Chapter Thirteen, Sur

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The squeak Nessola lets out is the most adorable sound I've ever heard. But the look of shock and mortification on her face has the three of us bursting into laughter.

I try, I really try, not to encourage Dhar's antics, but even I have to admit that this one was hilarious. Dhar has a satisfied smirk on his face and Rath is clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

This is why I love Dhar so much. He might be an annoyingly childish brat most of the time, making me want to strangle him, but he brings a lightness to our trio that we need.

"Oh, hardy fucking har, assholes." Our little mate grumbles. "So how do we really get there?" She has her hands on her curvy little hips as she scowls at us.

She's currently wearing a pair of black, frayed jean shorts and a tight black shirt that she called a 'bodysuit', whatever that is, and black biker style boots. She looks hot as fuck and my cock is throbbing just looking at her, something I'm sure will continue to happen for all of eternity, regardless of how many times I take her body.

She claimed to choose this outfit so she could fit in with us when we arrived in the Underworld. She looked so damn proud of herself that I didn't have the heart to remind her that the outfit won't last long in our atmosphere. Plus, with her coloring, there's no way in fuck she will 'fit in' with us, especially if her father is who I believe he is. Not only is that something to contend with, but we also can't ignore the fact that she's the only succubus in existence for a very long time. Our little mate has zero chance of fitting in.

This is a clusterfuck of epic proportions, but I couldn't be happier. I'll walk through whatever obstacles await us, no matter what, because she's ours.

"We just open a portal and step through it." Rath explains. "But you are more than welcome to hold on tight to my cock while we do it." He winks at her, trying to rile her up even more. But he should know better. Our little mate isn't easily played with.

She saunters up to him as I create a portal for us by weaving my hands and using my essence to form it into existence. She has a wicked little gleam in her eye that makes my cock instantly leak pre-cum for her.

She runs her fingers down his chest and his breath hitches. Then she lightly strokes his cock through his jeans before grabbing it in a vice grip. He groans in pleasurable pain while staring at her like a meal he can't wait to devour.

She goes onto her toes and leans in to lick up his neck, making him moan with his eyes closed. Yeah, pretty sure I just shot a load off into my pants.

"How about I ride one instead?" She asks with a faux innocence.

"Yeah... yes, please." He answers in a ragged croak. "Gr-great idea." I've never seen Rath so flustered before, and fuck if this isn't the most entertainment I've had in a long time.

"Awesome." She whispers, before releasing him and turning her back on him as she saunters up to me with a wink. "Mind if I hitch a ride on you, big guy?" She asks me.

"Any fucking time, baby girl." I reply with laughter in my voice. She's a fiery little minx.

"Wait! Wh-what the shit?" Rath splutters.

She turns her head to peer at him over her shoulder and arches a brow at him. "I never said your cock, did I?"

Dhar is over there giggling like a schoolgirl and Rath can't pick his jaw up off the floor as he gawks at her in shock and bewilderment. I smile smugly at him before grabbing Ness by her curvy hips and make her legs wrap around me as she straddles me front to front.

I kiss the tip of her nose and feel satisfaction run through me when I see her try to smother a smile at the action. She might be a walking sex goddess with a fiery attitude, but she's also got a hidden layer of vulnerability in her I can't wait to get to know.

"Ready for a new world, Little one?" I ask.

"Take me to Hell, big guy." I kiss her lips before walking us over to the portal. Life is about to become a whole lot more interesting.

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