Chapter 8 Nessola

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I've been running for what feels like hours, but has actually only been about twenty minutes, when my apartment finally comes into view.

"Oh, thank fuck." I wheeze out breathlessly, as I grab onto the door handle to my building and hurl myself inside as if the simple threshold is enough to protect me from three hugely muscled psychopaths. Don't judge me, I haven't been afraid often, so I have no idea what the hell to do with this feeling right now.

Once the door closes behind me, I whirl around and look onto the street through the glass. Waiting, ready to... I don't know. Claw their fucking eyes out? What the hell could I possibly do? My only real defense is my pussy, and if Dhar was any indication. That bitch is powerless against them.

Of course this would happen to me. The one time I need my villainous cunt to work, the bitch takes a holiday.

After about five minutes of staring out the door like a statue, I finally let out a slow breath as the realization that they aren't chasing me dawns. I guess I may have overreacted a little.

I lean my head back and look up at the water-stained ceiling as I laugh at myself. I'm just about to head upstairs to my apartment when the main door slams open and I let out an embarrassingly loud scream.

"Jesus! What the fuck, bitch?" Rita snarls, as she covers her ears and glares daggers at me.

I stop screaming once I realize it was just her who entered the building, and stare at her with wide eyes and a loss for words. She curls her lip as her scowl deepens and she rolls her eyes at me.

"You found the guys I was warning you about and bit off more than you could chew, didn't you?" she asks, hitting the nail on the head. How does she always seem to know shit?

"How did yo–" I stammer out, but she shoulder checks me on the way past and laughs humorously.

"It's you, Nessola. If there's a dick with trouble attached to it you seek it out like a bloodhound." I glare at the back of her head. She's not wrong, but still. I trail up the dimly lit stairs behind her. "I tried to abide by girl code and warn you about them, but of-fucking-course you ignore me."

"Well, in my defense, I only ran into one of them. Completely by accident while I was minding my own business." I sniff defensively. "Then he led me to the other two."

She turns around to face me once we reach our doors and pinches the bridge of her nose in exasperation. "Just... stand here for a minute." She sighs, before unlocking her door and stomping inside, leaving me in the hallway chewing on the inside of my cheek as I try to calm down from today's events.

I mean really, how is this my life? Why can't I just be normal and have a normal shitty life? Instead, I get saddled with an extra dose of shit. It's a wonder I've stayed sane as it is. Well, sane-ish. But to add three of the sexiest men I've ever laid eyes on who can apparently avoid my strange pussy venom, only to have them be certifiable psychopaths who live in Lala-land who most likely want to kill me and wear my skin as a meat suit? This could be what throws me over the edge into insanity. I don't know if I believe in a higher power, but whoever is writing the script to my life is a bitch.

Rita comes back a moment later, interrupting my internal crisis, and snatches up my left hand before setting something cold and hard in it. I grip it on reflex and look down to see she just handed me a gun.

I whip my head up and cock a brow at her. "I knew there was a badass somewhere under that girl next door fake as fuck front you've got going on." I grin at her as I look her up and down, using humor to deflect my panic.

I'm honestly shocked. I can't picture Rita with a gun. At all. I would be less surprised if she admitted to being a furry. Don't get me wrong, Rita has a mean streak and a take no shit attitude, but a gun? Why the hell would she even have one?

"Are you done?" She snaps.

"Almost." I grin at her as I picture her walking around with a gun tucked into the back of her daisy dukes with a beer in her hand while screaming 'yee haw.' "I'm getting some serious Dukes of Hazzard vibes from you right now and if I was into chicks, I would definitely have a lady boner right now."

She blinks at me with a frown on her face. "You're so fucking weird." She crosses her arms as she regards me with a critical eye. "Do you know how to use that?" She lifts her chin towards the gun in my hand.

"Point it and pull the trigger." I shrug. "Not like it's complicated. If the crack heads in the alley can use them, then I'm pretty sure I can figure it out." I've never handled a gun before in my life, but it seriously can't be that complicated.

"You're going to die." She mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear. "Just don't hesitate. A split second can be the difference between life and death." I nod mutely. Now my imagination has switched from Dukes of Hazzard to J.I Jane. I kinda want to stand at attention and salute her.

"Where did you get it?" I ask as I look over the gun in my palm like it will bite me.

"Don't ask questions you don't deserve the answers to." She sighs. "It doesn't matter. If you get caught with it, keep your fucking mouth shut about where you got it." I nod in understanding. I'm not a rat, so whatever. I was just genuinely curious how she came across it. I can't picture Rita having 'connections'. Another thought crosses my mind.

"Why are you giving me this? We don't even like each other." I narrow my eyes at her, wondering if she's trying to set me up. I did fuck her boyfriend after all, she seems like the type to hold a grudge, clearly.

"I don't like you. At all. You're annoying and fucking weird." Ouch, that kinda stings. I glare at her, picturing using her as target practice, when she continues. "But you've grown on me." Aww, that's better. "Like a mangy stray mutt that keeps showing up."

"Okay! I fucking get it!" I snap and square my shoulders, ready to tell her what I think of her next.

"You remind me of myself a few years ago." She sighs, clearly hating to admit that tidbit, but it makes me snap my mouth shut from the verbal hell I was about to rain down on her. "You and I are both alone in this life. I figured the least we could do is kinda watch each other's backs."

"That's... sorta sweet, Rita," I smirk at her. "I knew you liked me." She glares harder at me.

"Whatever. Just try not to fucking die. Whore." With that, she turns on her heels and enters her apartment, slamming the door on my grinning face.

If I'm like a mangy stray mutt, then she's like a feral alley cat. We're basically soul sisters.

I close the door behind me after entering my apartment and set the friendship bracelet; I mean gun, on my kitchen counter. I double check that all my locks are done on my door before I take a calming breath and let today's stress roll off my shoulders.

I'll never admit it to Rita, but I actually feel better after her not so sweet admission. I don't feel so alone with whatever shit pie life is trying to serve me. The gun helps, but I truly believe that if I'm ever in serious trouble I can go to Rita. Even if it's just to talk to someone. I'm sure she would have a million snarky comments, but I get the feeling she would understand as well.

Since I know those guys didn't follow me home, I'm able to slowly relax bit by bit as the night goes on. Taking a long hot relaxing shower helped tremendously too. So much so in fact, that even though I swear I can feel eyes on me, I'm able to fall into a deep sleep and have the most insanely erotic dream of my life. A dream featuring the three hauntingly beautiful men that had me racing home earlier tonight.

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