Chapter twelve, Nessola

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I should be nervous right? I'm not though. Instead, I feel... relieved? Yeah, I feel relief. Don't get me wrong, this entire situation is fucking bananas, but it also seems like a dream come true. I mean, think about it.

Three hot as sin guys track me down and give me the worlds greatest orgasms, effectively curing the soul deep hunger I've been forced to suffer with almost my whole life, then they give me answers to a problem that's been plaguing me for forever, then tell me they are taking me to a beautiful new realm where they will provide everything for me and all I have to do is have amazing sex? Yeah, I'm a lot of things but an idiot isn't one of them. What woman in her right mind would turn down that?

I mean, the whole breeding and love thing is so not fucking happening, but I'll deal with that later.

I'm not one hundred percent sure about this whole mate business, but I've read a few werewolf romances in my free time so I think I get the gist.

I'll mate the fuck out of this situation if it means I get to live the life of a spoiled princess for the rest of my life instead of struggling. And if they turn out to be huge pieces of shit, I'll just leave. No one forces me to do anything. I'll just have to bide my time and save a big stash of whatever passes for currency in the Underworld for when the inevitable shoe drop happens.

It definitely can't happen forever, I'm not that damn nieve or optimistic. They're talking about breeding for fuck's sake. I'll be able to hold them off for a time, but they'll push the issue, eventually.

I don't have anything against children, I just don't know what to do with them. They're all sticky, smelly, and loud. I've never willingly been around a child. I didn't even like children when I was one myself. I definitely don't want to have one of my own. I would be an awful mother. I've never had a good example of what a mother should be and I can barely keep myself alive, let alone a tiny person.

Oh my god, It wouldn't even be a normal human baby. Yeah, no idea what the fuck to do with a demon baby. So never going to happen.

"What are you thinking about so hard, baby girl?" Rath whispers in my ear as we finish getting dressed and make our way to my apartment door to leave.

"Demon babies." I tell him bluntly. His eyes hood and he bites his lip as he gazes at my very flat and un-pregnant'd stomach.

"What about them?" He asks with a sexy as hell rasp to his voice.

"That it will never happen." I brush off the arousal he's causing and smirk smugly at him.

"Oh, I think it wi-"

"Come on you two, lets get the fuck out of here." Whatever Rath was going to say is cut off by Sur's impatience. Thankfully.

I turn towards the others and head towards them as Dhar opens my door but quickly stop in my tracks when I see Rita on the other side of my door, gaping at me with shock and horror.

"Ah, shit." Dhar mumbles. Accurate.

I don't know what the protocol is in situations like this, where humans see demons in true form or whatever, but like hell will I let them kill her.

"This is all a dream. None of this is real. Ooooooo." I wave my hands in her face like a crystal ball and plead with her with my eyes.

"What is she doing?" Rath asks with confusion and a hint of amusement lacing his tone.

"Pretty sure she thinks the woman is human and is worried we might kill her for seeing our true forms." Sur surmises. Perceptive that one. I stop my little hand dance and spin around to gape at him once his words fully register.

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