Chapter Fourteen, Nessola

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I straddle Sur as he walks us towards the large black hole looking thing, a portal he called it, and can't help but feel his rigid cock nestled right there on my pussy.

Of course, me being me, I can't help but rock my hips against it. His hands tighten on my ass where he's holding me against him and he lets out a little grunt.

"Be good, little one." He whispers against my lips with his eyes narrowed on me.

"Let me play, big guy." I nip his bottom lip and he growls in response. I feel his cock jump in excitement and feel absolutely wicked with glee.

"You're a naughty little thing, aren't you, baby?" He says, but he seems positively thrilled about it. I just smirk at him as I grind against him.

I don't stop grinding as I look over my shoulder and watch as first Dhar, then Rath, step into the void. I quickly turn back to focus on Sur's eyes as I try my best to ignore the trepidation shooting down my spine.

The guys seem at ease about walking into what could possibly be a black hole of death, but this is so far out of my wheelhouse, it's hard to wrap my mind around.

I mean, we all know about black holes in space, how whatever goes into them is essentially destroyed, as if it never existed. Since I only just found out that I'm not human, that's the only thing I know to compare this portal thing to. You can't blame a girl for being apprehensive. So I do what I do best. Use sex as a distraction.

I don't take my eyes off Sur's as he steps into the portal. He seems to read my mind and smirks at me as he grabs my ass tighter and helps my hips move up and down his shaft faster.

My breath hitches as his cock hits my clit just right. Hands down, this is the best dry humping experience of my life.

Everything goes pitch black, and it feels like we're falling. I can't help the small whimper that escapes as my heart pounds in my chest in fear.

"Shh. I've got you, little one. You're safe. Just feel me." Sur holds me even tighter and rolls his hips in time with mine, helping to distract me.

I close my eyes, because what's the point in them being open, and do what he said. I just feel.

"Fuck, baby." Sur rasps against my ear. Yeah, big guy, I'm right there with you.

I'm so wet that I can feel my slickness soaking into my shorts, no doubt leaving a wet patch on his jeans. I wonder if I have a fear kink? Either way, I can feel my climax rushing to the surface as I grind on him harder and faster, chasing my release.

I grab his head and smash my lips against his. Our tongues battle together in a sensual dance. God, his taste, it's fucking euphoric. I slide my hands up his head and feel his horns. I rotate my hands around them like handlebars and use the leverage to ride him even faster.

I'm two seconds away from saying 'fuck it' and unzipping our pants to feel him inside me, when my orgasm catches me by surprise and slams into me. I let out a loud moan and throw my head back in ecstasy as the feeling flows through me like a live-wire. If this is how I die, I'll have zero complaints.

Sur grunts his own release while bringing my hips to a slow stop as we help each other ride out the last of our release. It's fucking beautiful.

I'm slowly catching my breath when I hear a throat clear and feel Sur stiffen. I open my eyes to bright sunlight and realize that we made it to the other side... at some point. I also realize that there are a shit ton of demon people around us with their mouths hanging open in shock. Oops. 

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