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Cecilia's kiss over his lips was what he woke up to as he turned 22. If there wasn't a war imminently darkening their lives, it would be the best birthday that he ever had in his odd life.

Regulus was the happiest that he could be, given the whole situation.

Cecilia was lying on top of him, hands near his head giving her balance and not letting her weight fall completely on top of him. Not that her full weight would do anything to him besides, perhaps wake him up faster.

"Good morning," she whispered, breathy on top of him.

Her breath was fresh, which meant that she woke up, went to brush her teeth outside of their tent and came back to bed, but he had not woken up with that. That was unusual, given that he woke up with a slightly stronger breeze.

He put a hand on top of his own mouth.

"Good morning," he answered. She laughed of him, pulling his hand away so she could kiss him again, but he turned his head to the side. "I didn't brush my teeth, my love."

Cecilia rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she said, sounding as if she had just lost a discussion. "Perhaps, then, to say 'happy birthday', I shall kiss you somewhere else."

He raised his eyebrows.

"What did you have in mind?" he asked.

Using that moment, he looked at the other bed on the tent that they shared with Sirius and Remus, but they weren't there. The bed was made and their side of the tent was very well put-together.

"They have watch tonight," she said, once she noticed where his eyes were. "They left a few minutes ago."

"What time is it, anyway?" he asked.

"Just over midnight," she said. "I thought that we deserved a little moment before... today."

He smiled at her, thinking that she had kept herself awake just for this moment with him before the big battle. Besides, he knew that she still felt like she owed him something because of her own birthday; which better time to pay it back than on his birthday and right before the battle that they were sure would deal with the war that they had been fighting for years.

"Then, let's have our moment," he said, reaching for his wand to clean his teeth without having to get up and brush his teeth (it wasn't too good for the teeth, but he certainly used when he wanted to kiss before leaving bed). "As you said, we deserve it."

Cecilia smiled at him, kissing him deeply, tongue greeting his for a moment before she pulled back and kissed his lips gently. Slowly, her kisses wandered down to his jawline and neck, then to his chest, over the shirt, hand caressing his nipple ever so lightly – she pushed his pyjama's shirt up to his chest to kiss down his stomach, leaving him a panting mess that grew harder and harder on his pyjama shorts. By the time she gave a little nibble on his thigh, he was having a hard time breathing and his cock was so hard that his balls were becoming uncomfortably heavy.

Regulus reached up, folding the very thin and uncomfortable pillow under his head to plop his head up a bit more, but he also used his forearm to help. He wanted to watch whatever Cecilia seemed to have in mind for their alone time.

He didn't even realise that he was biting his lips until she giggled as she glanced up at him. He smiled at her, ignoring how his cheeks warmed up and certainly gained colour.

O Beija-Flor - Regulus Black (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now