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Hermione had fallen twice on the way up, knees still wobbly from the near death experience and now her knees were bleeding. Remus seemed pale and tired as he still controlled the goblin by the use of an Unforgivable (which he was still coming to terms for having used it). Cecilia was tired and was stumbling, her weight mostly being kept in the correct path by Remus' hand holding her robes - if he had let go of her, she would've fallen off the path to the ground that they could not see.

Remus felt overwhelmed, having to control the goblin, make sure Cecilia wouldn't stumble to her death and make sure that Hermione was following, even if sometimes - when he looked - she was getting up from resting a bit on her knees.

"We're almost there," Remus said, he wasn't sure it was true, he just wanted the girls not to lose morale.

"Liar," grumbled Hermione from behind him.

"Hm," was all that Cecilia managed to do in return. Even with this much, her voice was shaky and tentative. Remus' attention on her grew. "We need..." she took a breath, "to go faster."

"We have time," Remus said. He hoped they had time, at least.

"Cecilia's right. There's only so long that the group can slow them down inside the Black vaults before going to the Lestrange vault with some excuse or just invading," said Hermione. "We need to hurry up."

Cecilia was trying to hurry up, clearly, but with every step her legs shook and her eyes threatened to close whenever she took a bigger step. The closed and consummated connection with Regulus was the only thing that had made sure she didn't drain herself enough to go unconscious, but she feared what the connection could've been doing to Regulus - if she was tired, she couldn't imagine how it could've been to him losing so much of the magic in his core so suddenly without the adrenaline she had pumping.

Remus put one of his hands on Cecilia's back and pushed her up a particularly big stone before helping Hermione up as well.

"I can see the vault!" Hermione exclaimed.

Remus sighed in clear relief, but it was short lived because Cecilia tipped forward and only didn't fall face first on the stone ground because Hermione - with a yelp of words that Remus couldn't understand - held her up.

"Shit. Shit. Shit," Remus said through his teeth as he glanced at the goblin, still under the spell, clearly taken away from reality. "Hermione, take over."

"It's an Unforgivable!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I'm sure you'll be forgiven under these circumstances," he snapped at her.

Hermione's matter-of-fact and dual way of thinking during a war only reminded him how young she truly was, but Remus couldn't afford protecting her magical core's innocence. He needed her to help at that moment, because Cecilia's skin was turning ashen pale, in a scaringly greyish complexion. Hermione took a deep breath, accepting the burden and casting the spell with a focused face while Remus supported Cecilia's weight with his own body. He felt weak as well, a mixture of the scare, the usage of his magic in such a heavy spell and the long walk.

Remus had to almost carry Cecilia through the rest of the way as Hermione controlled the goblin.

"We're here," Remus whispered.

The door to the vault was closed, but it opened as soon as they got there and Remus watched with great relief washing over him as Sirius walked out of there with wide eyes stuck in his boyfriend for a second before going to the girl leaning heavily on him.

O Beija-Flor - Regulus Black (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now