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There is very little Cecilia considered to be beyond her mind, either due to her vivid imagination or her capability of comprehending the logic behind people's complicated emotions. However, as she took the third journal of Regulus Black, she feared she was becoming less and less familiar with the combination of decisions of the people around the good boy struggling to do nothing other than survive.

She frowned as she took the third journal in hands and turned. It was an expensive, white leather book with nothing adorning it, but in the very first page there were the years 1973 – 1974 written down the now familiar and beautiful penmanship.

Cecilia had always thought the handwriting of a person could tell her a lot about them, much like facial expressions or the way the mouth would form sounds – either truth or lies. Everybody always had a tell, but Regulus' tell was hard to find. Ether he was an extremely honest boy or an astonishing liar, either way her curiosity was eating her inside out. She needed to know. She needed to see.

She turned the page and took a deep breath. It was starting to be quite late and she feared she wouldn't finish them in time for the morning, but she refused to fall asleep.

September First of Nineteen-Seventy-Three

I did not write over the summer for several reasons.

Sirius is getting into a lot more trouble than usual, speaking out against Mother and even going as far as screaming at Father. I wonder if he knows that it'll bring nothing good to the table. All he needs to do is be quiet and he'll be fine; that's what I do and it works quite well. He's completely reckless and stupid, always getting into senseless arguments where silence would be the best answer. I, too, am getting into arguments with Sirius; he's been getting into my room and trying to read my journals all the time, therefore I refused to write into my new one until I could be sure that the spell took.

I put a strongly-worded plaque on my bedroom door, but apparently, he doesn't know how to read and keeps coming into my room without any permission and doing random things before running away.

Mother found it 'adorable', which almost made me take it down, but I kept it up for the chance to say that Sirius doesn't know how to read, but he ended up not coming in again after I said that he must be dyslexic or something and seemed quite upset. He's so sensitive for no reason.

I'm on my way to school right now, sitting alone in a nice compartment, knowing that sooner or later people are coming to sit down with me, even if I don't want them.

October Thirteen of Nineteen-Seventy-Three

There are rumours that Evelyn and I might be engaged by the end of the school year, which it's clearly a lie and most likely spread by Evelyn herself. She's been more annoying than before, trying to hold my hand and my arm, pulling me around like I'm some type of doll. She's been going around telling people that we kiss sometimes, which is also a lie because I certainly never kissed her and NO, I do not count the train-thing an actual kiss.

November Ninth of Nineteen-Seventy-Three

Things were getting out of control with the rumours and I had to write to my mother to talk to her mother.

Mother said that perhaps engaging me to her would be a good idea, I said it wouldn't be neither a good idea nor proper since Sirius isn't engaged yet. Evelyn received a letter on breakfast today and it seemed quite upset; I suppose it was her mother telling her that there's absolutely no chance of a marriage between us.

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