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I know it's a short chapter, but this is just the real start of what we've been all waiting for, my dear readers. Now, the war begins and so does my breakdowns because of my uni exams and because I'm not sure of what's going to happen next.


Cecilia couldn't deny that the August heat had been a big factor in her decision of clothing, much to Molly's (and some woman named Aunt Muriel's, whom Cecilia had heard several things about; none good) dismay, even if Regulus looked quite satisfied. Though the pink dress that she had bought wasn't too short, it showed far too much skin for most people's tastes, but she rather liked it. Most of her back was showing through the ties of the dress and her breasts were well supported in place, besides the dress went two fingers above her knees, even if it was skin tight.

Regulus kissed her cheek once more. She had asked him not to kiss her lips while her lipstick wasn't dry.

"You look beautiful," he said.

He was in formal wizarding robes, while she was wearing a Muggle dress. Sirius seemed to enjoy seeing them together, because he had told Remus to take a picture of them together before they left for the Burrow.

Now, with Remus and Sirius standing in front of them and smiling, talking to Harry under Polyjuice Potion and taking their maps to the seats, Regulus and Cecilia were looking around the tent in the orchard of the Burrow and the several chairs already occupied by people that had arrived a few minutes earlier.

"Do people in Brazil marry in their own houses?" Regulus asked.

"Is not very common," she said. "It's either in churches or other religious places, or sometimes in farms. I don't know why people would marry inside their own houses."

"I suppose it's simple."

"Exactly," she said, side-eyeing Regulus with a smile. "Which person wouldn't like a big, grandiose marriage? I know I'm a daughter of Oxumaré after all."

Regulus turned to her completely.


"Oxumaré. It's one of my deities," she answered. "It's one of the only ones that have more than one gender; the male is represented by a rainbow, the female counterpart by a serpent. They say that their children really like money and wealth and crave it to an extent. Though it's not the biggest characteristic that I see myself in, I can't deny that I do like money."

Regulus smiled.

"Well, you're dating the right man, then," he teased. She laughed. "What else does it say – hey, Ron, thanks," he added, getting the map and winking at Harry, who blushed under the skin of the person he had become under the potion. "I mean, what does your father deity says about you?"

She shrugged.

"Well, that I like intellectual conversations and subjects; I like using my creativity for any duty of mine, even the ones that I don't need it and that I might even get annoyed or bored if I don't use it enough; and betrayal is the worst thing that exists," she listed off what she had heard her dad tell her when she was younger. "There are more things, sure, but it's nothing that important. Unless you want to know all about my flaws," she teased.

"Oh, do go on. Let's see if I agree with your father-deity," he said.

"They say that we are jealous and selfish, bitter and apathetic, even going as far as saying that we're vengeful and sneaky," she said. "I admit the jealousy part and I'm quite bitter, but I wouldn't say that I'm a very selfish person."

O Beija-Flor - Regulus Black (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora