Chapter 19-Taylor's Wedding

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October had finally arrived it was October the 1st. Taylor decided that she wanted just a small family wedding instead of letting all her fans know and it getting to crowded. So it was time for the wedding invitations to go out. Now the wedding invitations were baby blue and white. They were magical with gemstones on them. Green water colors in little trees were on the front of the invitations. Taylor sent one to: Mr and Mrs swift "her parents", Austin"Taylor's brother", Alyssa "Chloe's birth mother", Allie"Chloe's best friend", Allies mother "Trisha", and Allies brother "Sebastian", and of course Chloe but Chloe didn't need an invitation considering she was their daughter now. Oh she  also invited Ms Cain, the orphanage caretaker, and Celeste which was Chloe's best friend in the orphanage.

Taylor and Tyler had made arrangements to reserve the pavilion place where Tyler proposed to Taylor as the wedding resort. It was fall so when they got to the park pavilion to decorate it was already halfway beautiful the orange brown and yellow leaves were laying all over the ground. Two big ole trees grew very bushy with yellow flowers inside its leaves. But other trees already had all the leaves off and it was just a tree trunk, considering that it was fall. The best part was the white pavilion had beautiful blue flowers growing on the roof of the pavilion that someone had planted. Tyler would admit later that he planted them to make it special. They decorated with bridal pieces of furniture and threw golden leaves and sparkles everywhere. Tyler had also picked up some orange roses to throw all over the pavilion. The beautiful colors of fall were all around. It was time to pick out the flower girls dress and the bridesmaid dresses.

Now for Chloe's dress they went to a small little boutique and found her a beautiful golden sparkly dress with orange roses all over it. For the bridesmaid dresses they got green dresses with yellow butterflies all over it. All of the ladies except Chloe and the other kids, wore golden sparkled high heels. The kids wore white converse flats with sparkles on them of orange and yellow. Taylor and Tyler grabs some white plates with green butterfly's on them. And went to get the cake. As everyone was getting ready for the wedding the women went in a limo separately from the men who went also in a limo. Taylor looked absolutely breathtaking. The way her dress and heels looked on her body with the sweet little baby bump. She wore golden dangles for earrings and curled her hair and put some glittering butterflies and flowers in her hair. Tyler looked handsome as he had his hair combed back. All the kids and other adults looked great as well. The women's makeup was excellent it was classic but beautiful all natural colors. And Taylor's makeup was sparkly. It was a magical day as real monarch butterflies came to their wedding and flied around the pavilion. There was a nice breeze out.

The preacher of course to start the wedding wore a green and white suit. When they arrived at the pavilion the boys got out of their limo first. Then the beautiful girls started walking down the golden carpet they laid out. They were all smiling. Chloe walked down the aisle with orange roses and pink tulips. She threw them everywhere giggling and smiling. As soon as Taylor got out of the limo, everyone smiled. But Tyler took one look at his beautiful bride and tears of joy started streaming down his face. Chloe squeezed his hand lightly and smiles she says daddy mommy looks so beautiful. Taylor dad Mr swift walked her down the aisle he was also crying giving his beautiful oldest baby girl away.

The rings they had picked out were beautiful Tyler's was a golden wedding band. Taylor's was sterling silver with golden pieces on it. As it was soon time to say their vows.

Tyler looks at Taylor. "From the moment I met you when I was 16 and you were 14, a part of me knew you was the one for me. Watching you grow into this beautiful woman that I now have a chance to look at everyday for the rest of my life. Well it's hard to describe how I feel about that but I love you Taylor. If I can't put anything else into words. I am so happy to be starting this new life with you and little Chloe and our unborn child.

Taylor wipes a tear from her cheek. She grabs his hand as she begins to state her vows. "Tyler I promise to love you when things get tough. I promise to hold your hand in sickness and in health. I love you so much Ty. And watching you grow with me into the young man you are today. Well it's been a blessing. I see the way you are with little Chloe and how much you've taken up to her. And I know you be the perfect daddy for Chloe and for little one she runs her hand over her belly. Ty I really don't have much else to say except I hope we live life to the fullest, and all our family dreams come together.

Tyler smiles and wipes a tear from his cheek as well. The preacher looked at them smiles and says well wasn't them vows just beautiful. You may now kiss the bride. When Taylor and Tyler kissed it was beautiful like out of a fairytale or a princess movie. Fireworks went off. One of each color. Then Taylor grabs the orange rose bouquet behind her and throws it in the air. "I've got it!!!" , Alyssa Chloe's mother had catched it, so if the superstition really exists she's definitely the best one to find her true love and get married.

The rest of the wedding went by smoothly. The kids were blowing bubbles while Taylor had a daddy daughter dance to "I loved her first by heartland". She had a few good dances with Tyler too as Tyler looked at her with a gleam in his eyes and Taylor looked up to him with love.

The last little part of the wedding toward the end it was time to cut the beautiful wedding cake. Taylor cut the first piece as Tyler stood next to her with his hands around her waist. She grabs the first piece and smashes it in his face. He looks shocked and starts laughing. She looks up and kisses him managing to get icing all over her face as well as Tyler's. After everyone finishes the cake "which was made with buttercream" Taylor and Tyler thank everyone for coming and being apart of their life's. Taylor Tyler and Chloe put the cake and decorations in the car as Alyssa walks over to them with the roses and squeals. She said I'm so happy I got these maybe my dreams will come true.

Eventually everyone arrives home. Taylor Tyler and Chloe have their family time with Joy the puppy. As they eat spaghetti and meatballs Taylor made for dinner. Then it was time for all of them to go to sleep the funny thing was instead of falling asleep in their rooms they all fell asleep on the couch as a family. Tyler's arm around Taylor's shoulder. Taylor's arm around Chloe. And Chloe laying in her mamas laps with Joy laying on top of Chloe.

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