Chapter 5-The Concert

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The next morning Taylor walks to Chloe's room to wake her up. Hey Chloe time to wake up sweetie. Chloe yawns and smiles morning mommy. Good morning Taylor replies. I made breakfast sweetheart but before we eat I have a very important question to ask you. Chloes nods. Would you like to come to my concert with me? Chloe says of course mommy.

Okay good Taylor says. Chloe suddenly gets excited and says hey mommy can I sing my song? Taylor laughs and nods sure baby girl just let me do my few songs first. Taylor and Chloe eat oats and a small piece of sausage. Soon it was time to get ready. Taylor slipped on a gold sparkling dress with white heels. She applies foundation, blush, and red lipstick.

She waves her hair with a curling wand. Chloe walks in as Taylor grabs a little white dress with a gold sash. And puts little white sandals on her then smiles. She puffs a little powder and blush on her. Now you look like mommy. Chloe smiles. Okay let's go babe. She grabs Chloe's hand and walks her to the car then she buckled her. She walks to the front seat then they exit the driveway. It was a long drive. As Taylor was living in North Carolina.

Hours later they arrive and walk in through the back entrance Taylor tells her manager to take care of Chloe for her as she walks to the karaoke room to practice. The manager and Chloe had so much fun together they played so many games and laughed and smiled. Soon it's time for the concert. Taylor peeks out on the stage. Looks like a big crowd tonight she smiles. Alright Taylor on in 5 her associate said. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Taylor walks out full of life Everyone cheers and claps. HELLO EVERYONE HOW ARE WE DOING TONIGHT!!! The crowd screamed and cheered. Taylor smiles. ARE YOU READY TO GET THIS CONCERT STARTED!!! Once again they cheer and raise their hands. The beat to mean comes on. They start to clap as she sings...You with your words like knifes and swords and weapons that you use against me. You have knocked me off my feet again got me feeling like a nothing. Well you can knock me down with just one single blow, oh but you don't know what you don't know. Someday I'll be living in a big ole city and all your ever gonna be is mean. Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me and all your ever gonna be is mean. Why you gotta be so mean.

Soon she finished and the audience screams and cheers Chloe smiles and tells Taylor's manager mommy sings so beautiful. Taylor's manager smiles and nods. Taylor sings you belong with me then once she's done she smiles and says into the microphone, okay everyone I would like you to meet someone. Taylor looks back at Chloe and nods and waves her hand to come over. Chloe walks to Taylor. Taylor says everyone this is a special moment for me because this little girl, well she has changed my life. Taylor smiles down at her. This is my princess Chloe. I have decided to adopt a daughter. And I love her very much. The audience cheers as Chloe tears up. I love you too mommy, so much she hugs Taylor's waist.

The audience stands up and claps. Now my daughter would like to sing to you her song. While I play the guitar for her. Taylor smiles and says okay baby. Chloe talks into the microphone. Hello everyone I'm really excited to be here with my mommy. She may think I've changed her life but in reality she changed mine. You see Chloe says, I was lonely I had of course Ms Cain my orphanage mommy and the girls but I was lonely for a mommy I was lonely for a family. And Taylor gave that to me Chloe smiles as the audience claps and cheers Taylor smiles.

Tonight I'm gonna sing a song I've always known Chloe smiles. She starts to sing...
When I looked at you I smiled cause I knew, you are a gift from above. And there's Something about the way that you grin way that you blush, that makes my heart so full. And I'd climb every hillside, I'd run down the valleys I'd hike through the snow and cold because I love you. And with you I feel free, I feel so happy, like a flower in spring. And I give you my heart. I hope you'll take mine. You are an angel, and a gift from above. evreyone applauded. Chloe smiles and curtsied.

But in that moment a woman was in the audience. A woman who knew that exact song because she had singed it to her baby girl. She was in shock as the concert ended with Taylor saying goodnight love you guys. Then waved and grabbed Chloe and took her to the back. The woman ran to the back and opened the door. The girl was beautiful and so sweet she had curly blonde curls just like her baby had. She walked over to the child and bent down in front of her. Hey kid what's your name? Chloe she smiled. Aww that's beautiful.

May I ask where you came from. The little girl nodded and said I'm from the girls orphanage in Fort Norman. The woman held her mouth open in shock. Chloe couldn't have been hers? Could she? And how.. how do you know that song? Chloe looks at the woman and says she's just always known. The woman bites her nail. She knows that's her baby. That's her little girl she had to leave behind all those years ago. She asks Chloe one more question. What happened to your mom? Chloe looked down and said she doesn't know, she left her on the doorstep of the orphanage when she was just a baby. Chloe then smiles and says it's okay though.

The woman said your not mad at your mother for leaving you? Chloe smiles and says of course it stings but I refuse to believe she just didn't want me she goes on to say I've always had this feeling she had something happen to her and she had to leave. So Chloe smiles and says I just will know when the time comes. The woman smiles and pats Chloe's shoulder and waves a small goodbye she tells her it was nice meeting her as she exits the concert building. Taylor walks up to Chloe and says baby you ready? Yeah Chloe nods. You okay Taylor says? Of course Chloe smiles. Let's go home baby.

That night Chloe couldn't stop thinking about the woman from the concert though, she didn't know why but her face was glued to her mind. It's almost like this woman was in her memories. But she couldn't figure out where from. She erases it from her mind as she puts on her moms cd and drifts off to sleep.

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