Chapter 17-Hot Summer Day

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It was about the middle of September. Taylor and Alyssa dropped Chloe off at school and went and ate some breakfast together as they had became good friends. Alyssa asked Taylor how the baby was coming along as Taylor smiled held her little bump and said sometimes you can feel him moving.

Meanwhile at school...
Chloe spots Allie and squeals with excitement. Hey Allie!! Chloe said. Hey Chloe bear. Allie said. The girls hugged as they walked to class together. Tamara approached the girls. As they stood back. Tamara said you don't have to be afraid of me I just came to apologize. Sometimes Hailey makes me do bad things I don't wanna do and I'm sorry. Chloe said it's okay but why? Why do you hang out with her? Tamara shook her head and said because when my parents died Hailey was the only one who was there for me. I felt all alone in the world. A tear rolled down her cheek as she wiped it with her sleeve. Anyways I'm gonna talk to Hailey and tell her to stop messing with you guys. Chloe and Allie hugged Tamara and in that moment they knew why she did what she did.

Meanwhile there was a call on the intercom. "Can Chloe and Allie please report to the principals office thank you" the girls walked to the principals office confused as the principal smiled and said Chloe there's someone on the line for you. Chloe picked up the phone and said hello? It was Taylor. Hey kiddo how do you feel about going swimming after school? Chloe smiled and said yes! Taylor said she will bring her swimsuit and to ask Allie if she wants to go. She said yes mommy. Taylor smiles and says I'll pick you girls up after school. Your mama is coming and so is Austin daddy and my parents. I bought y'all some pool toys. Allie and Chloe hugged as they could not wait for school to be over. Of course Allie had to call her mama and ask her if she could and when she was granted permission she was sooo happy.

A few hours go by and the last end of the day school bell rings. Taylor is waiting out front to pick Allie and Hailey up from school. Did you girls have a good day? Taylor asks. Chloe hugged her mommy and said yes mommy. Allie giggled and said a lot better than the first day. Alyssa is in the front seat she says hey babes. Chloe giggles hey Moma. So they drive to the pool at gulf springs it was honestly Taylor's favorite pool to go to and she had it rented all to herself for today. When they stepped out the girls already had their swimsuits on as they had changed in the car. Taylor made sure to put sunscreen on them and off they went. Taylor was wearing a black and white striped bikini with a pair of fancy black sunglasses she bought on the way to the pool. Alyssa had on a short summer dress. Austin and Mr and Mrs Swift arrived as Austin ran to the pool jumped in with the girls and started splashing. Chloe smiled and swim over. Hey uncle Austin!!! Hey kiddo wanna play mermaids. Chloe and Allie jumped up at the same time and said yeah!! The others laughed and said he sure does know how to keep them busy. They sit in the little beach chairs on the outer skirts of the pool. Soon enough Tyler arrived in his new truck and hugged his beautiful fiancé. And kissed her little bump. He smiles and runs and jumps in the pool. Y'all better not be having all the fun without me!!
Tyler splashes Austin. Oh buddy your gonna pay for that Austin says he starts playfully splashing back.

Hey guys we got fruit punch and cookies!! Taylor says. Chloe claps and cheers. Allie smiles. As they all jump outta the pool and enjoy the cookies and punch. Chloe baby did your face get a little sunburn. Taylor says as she kisses Chloe's forehead. Chloe says yeah mommy just a little. After the snacks Chloe and Allie rush back to the pool and play Marco Polo. Be careful girls Taylor says. And Taylor threw some water guns in the pool. When all of a sudden Allie let's out a piercing scream. HELP!! CHLOES DROWNING. Austin dives in along with Tyler as they pull her up from the water. Chloe coughs and coughs. Taylor stands there in shock and cries. Alyssa screams. Tyler and Austin manage to revive Chloe as she coughs water up. Chloe cry's and cry's. She runs to Taylor as Taylor picks her up and kisses her and holds her. Omg thank you so much Tyler, Austin. I don't know what would've happened if I would've lost my baby girl. Alyssa runs to Chloe and kisses her and says oh my God I thought we lost you. Allie cry's on the cement. Chloe hugs Tyler and her uncle Austin. Thank you for saving my life. Tyler kisses her cheek and says baby daddy is always gonna be here. And Austin pats her back and says exactly what would I do without my favorite niece. They all load up and head home as Taylor takes Allie home. They grab Chick-fil-A for dinner. And when they arrive home Taylor and Tyler tuck Chloe in and both kiss her forehead.

Taylor makes her a cup of coffee downstairs as Tyler comes up behind her. Babe are you okay? Tyler asks. Taylor turns and cry's in his chest. We almost lost her Ty. Tyler says I know baby but she's okay now I can't have my fiancé all in tears it's not healthy for you or the baby. Taylor looks up as Tyler wipes the tears from her eyes. You wanna watch SpongeBob. Taylor grins a little and says yeah. As she wipes her face. So they sat on the couch and watched SpongeBob and fell asleep in each others arms. Joy was sleeping on Ty's knee. And all was quiet in the house.

Adopted by Taylor SwiftTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang