Chapter 10-Expecting A Second

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A month had passed. It was a Tuesday morning and when Taylor woke up she felt really sick almost as though she had the flu. She ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet as Tyler pulled her hair back. When she got up Tyler looked concerned as he said Taylor what's wrong with you? Taylor smiled weakly, yeah I think it's just food poisoning. Chloe runs downstairs as she finds out her mommy was sick she rushes to her side. Mommy are you okay? Yeah baby of course.

The rest of the day was spent watching television and eating gummy bears. Chloes mama came by to visit. And as night fell it happened again. Babe I think it's time to take you to a doctor Tyler says. Taylor nods as they drop Chloe off at her grandmas house. Chloe was so excited to see her grandparents and her uncle Austin again. When they got in the wait was long. Tyler fell asleep in the hospital chair when the doctor walked in. He wakes up. Taylor looks over and says what is it doctor? The doctor smiles and says congratulations Ms Swift you are two weeks pregnant.

Taylor smiles and looks over at Tyler we did it she says. Yes we did. The doctor subscribed some pills for the nausea and wrote her a list of healthy things for the baby. As they went to get Chloe Taylor looks nervous. I hope Chloe will like the baby. Tyler smiles and says of course she will honey. As Taylor tucked Chloe in that night she kissed her forehead and said, princess how would you like to be a big sister. Chloe yawns and says I don't know, it's always just been me. Taylor laughed and rubbed her tummy.

Chloe smiles and speaks once again. But it would be great to have a friend to play with. Taylor smiles. As Taylor puts on Care Bears and sits in bed with Chloe until she falls asleep. Joy was licking Taylor's cheek. The next morning when Chloe woke she asked Taylor if they could go visit the hospital. Of course Taylor remembers and shakes her head yes. Chloe grabs mr bear and puts him in Taylor's purse. I need to visit aunt Jean anyway. Chloe jumps up and down as they load up the car. Taylor says I was thinking maybe we could have a picnic afterwards. Chloe nods and smiles. As they arrived at the hospital, Chloe had remembered the man from last time and smiles as she asked the call lady about him.

She looks at her and says I can't really give out that information but because your so cute... sadly He died about a week ago. He said something about a Chloe right before he died. He said if it hadn't been for the little girl in curls by the name of Chloe, he would have never been ready to finally move on and find peace. Chloe started to cry as she said that's me! The nurse smiled and says of course it's you dear. She looks in a drawer as she pulls out and envelope sealed with the name Chloe written on the front. Before he died he wanted me to give this to you. Chloe smiled and says thank you very much mam. As she walks off. Taylor looks at Chloe and kneels down.

What's wrong princess? Chloe rubs her eyes, a man that I seen died last week. Taylor smiles and rubs Chloes back as she calms her. She kisses her forehead and tells her he's in a better place now. Taylor had just came back from visiting her aunt jean and told her the wonderful news about the baby. As they sit at a bench and Chloe hands her the letter and says will you read this to me mommy? Taylor smiles and nods, of course. She pulls it out of the envelope and starts to read a small college lined paper that looked as though it had come out of an old notebook.

My dearest friend,
Before I go I need to write these last few sentences for you. I didn't really ever get a chance to know you, but I had a granddaughter like you once. She loved with all her heart and had these sweet little blonde curls in pigtails. Many people have walked in this hospital, not caring what happens to the patients. Needless to say they must have had a busy life. But you came into my room and treated me like a normal person. You hugged my neck and made me feel good about life again. No matter where I'm going next, I won't forget you Chloe, it's people like you that make this world a better place.
                                    All my love, Mr ridges

Chloe let's a few tears drop down her cheek. Taylor hugs her and says you are a very special girl. As they walk around the hospital Chloe held her head up and looked full of life. They went to visit aunt Jean once again as she was so happy to see her niece and Chloe again. I see you got the girl Taylor. Taylor laughs and says thanks aunt Jean she's been a blessing. Im supposed to get out in a week! That's great to hear aunt Jean! Taylor smiled. After they visited aunt Jean they continued down the long hallway As Chloe  seen a young girl a little younger than her. Mommy wait! Let's go in here. Taylor nods as they walk in.

Chloe walks up to the girl as she kneels beside the hospital bed. She looks at the girl as the girl smiles and looks back. Chloe reaches for her hand as she takes it. Chloe somehow knew what the girl had. She had seen it before. One of the girls at the orphanage had died from it. It was where the head had start to go bald, and she started to get really weak.Chloe starts to speak, if no one has come in to tell you they love you. I'm here to tell you I do, and I care. The little girl smiles weakly Chloe pulls out of her mommy's purse Mr bear. She smiles and hugs Mr bear tight one last time as she kissed him. She walks over to the little girl and placed the bear in her arms. He's for you now.

The little girl said my names Katherine what's yours? Chloe, Chloe smiles. How old are you Chloe asked? Five the little girl says. Chloe smiles and hugs her great things are in store for you. The little girl coughs weakly as she puts her beanie back on her head to keep her warm. Chloe smiles back at Mr bear and says, take care of him! I will Katherine says. As Chloe finishes up Taylor smiles and says are you ready for our picnic? Chloe smiles and says yes! As they find a park and set up. You know that was a real sweet thing you did for that little girl, Taylor says.

Chloe smiles and says it's what I would have wanted. Besides Mr bear is a comfort bear he will help her. Taylor smiles and tears up. They eat crackers with cheeses and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with sweet tea. As they head home Taylor smiles and knows in her heart that she loves her to the moon and back. As they drive home.

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