Chapter 6-Chloe Meets Her Birth Mom

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Chloe we gotta go to the store Taylor announced. Chloe stretched smiled and said okay mommy. Chloe grabbed mr bear and planted a kiss on the forehead of the stuffed animal. Taylor kissed her Cheek and said we won't be long I just gotta get some things for dinner tonight and I need some milk.

They started to head out as they listened to Taylor's newest album. Chloe started to sing along with the cd. When they arrived at the store Taylor told Chloe she could sit in the buggy. They soon came to a stop where Taylor had to run get something from 2 isles over and told Chloe to stay that she would be right back and to not talk to strangers. The woman Chloe saw yesterday appeared oh hey little one she said. Chloe waves and smiles hello. What are you doing Chloe? Chloe smiles and explained her mommy was over 2 isles over to get some things.

Chloes mom felt her heart drop from the word mommy. She knew she left her all those years but it just hurt to hear it. She asked if Chloe minded if she talked to her for a minute. Chloe nodded and smiled. She spoke and said I had a little girl like you one time. Chloe listened as she went on to say I made a mistake with her something I should have never done. Chloe said what did you do. She looked down and said I left her. Chloe said you must've had a good reason. The woman nodded and let a tear fall. It's a long story. Chloe spoke and said where is she now? The woman said she's with a new mommy that I'm sure is a better mommy than I ever was.

But Chloe I need to ask you something. Chloe said okay as she said, are you happy? Chloe smiles and says happier than I've ever been. Chloes mom nodded and said that's good to hear. Chloe if you came in contact with your birth mother...would you live with her? Chloe shakes her head no then responds I'd want to spend time with her whenever possible but Taylor is my mommy and I don't know what I would do without her I would want to stay with her and see my mom whenever I could. So I'd remain with Taylor. Chloe suddenly seen Taylor and shouted mommy mommy! Taylor laughed and hugged Chloe and said hey princess you been behaving. Chloe nods.

Taylor looks at the mystery woman and says hello who are you? The woman forces a small smile and says no one in particular she starts to walk off as Chloe says mommy she had a daughter too. Taylor smiles and says sweetie what do you mean by had? Chloe says she said she left her and she's really sad. Taylor caught up with the woman and said hey would you like to come over during the weeks some, you can help out with Chloe sometimes she seems to really like you. The woman's face lights up as she responds I would love too. Taylor nods and says okay. Chloe smiles and waves at her. She waves back to Chloe as she smiles.

So the next Monday Chloes birth mother comes over to help. Taylor smiles and walks her in as they sit and watch Care Bears. I didn't know you liked Care Bears Chloes birth mom said. Chloe nods and giggles. Listen girls Chloes birth mom speaks. A few days ago I found out something I feel like should be out in the open and be over and done with she says. That being said...there is no easy way to put this...but, I'm your mother Chloe. And I know you probably have all these bad feelings about me right now and I would understand if both of you threw me out right now. Taylor looks sad, she never expected this she wants Chloe to know her mother but how would that effect their relationship?!

Taylor looks down then back up and nods it's up to Chloe she says. But Chloe didn't say anything for the first time Chloe was quiet as a mouse and looked sad, almost as if she were going to just bawl up and cry right there. Taylor smiles softly and says I think you should go. Chloes mom looks upset but nods knowingly and says I understand. Then Taylor walks her out. The rest of the night Chloe was quiet. It was as if for the first time Taylor didn't know how to fix it. She didn't wanna watch Care Bears, she didn't want to play, she didn't even want the chicken pasta Taylor made for dinner. She just sat there on the couch of there home doing nothing, lost in thought we could assume.

Soon she finally lets out her feelings. I don't understand any of this she says. If my birth mommy wanted me back why wait until now? Ive waited so long and now she's here after all these years. Taylor comes to sit by Chloe. She wraps her arms around her in a hug. Love it isn't going to be easy, but would you like mommy's honest opinion. Chloe nods and lays her head on Taylor's breast. I think you should talk to her sweetie Taylor says. You said yourself you've always wanted to know why your mommy left you the way she did. Baby now is the time to get your answer, Taylor  smiles and says, if you want me to I will sit right beside you and be with you.

You don't have to be alone. She pulls Chloes curly blonde hair back and kisses her forehead. Chloe let's the tears fall she whispers okay mommy.
Taylor holds Chloe in her arms and lets her sleep. Tyler came home late that night and planted a kiss on Taylor's forehead as he sat beside her laid his head on her shoulder and he to fell asleep.

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