Carmilla Carmine x fem Overlord reader pt 2

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Requested by EmiNakayama

[3rd POV]
Carmilla was currently stressing out, it was getting closer towards the Extermination and Carmilla hadn't had much time to spend with Y/n. The only problem is she never stayed why. Y/n knows the extermination was in another 6 month, but that wasn't the case as Carmilla and her girls forgot to tell her that the extermination was coming early, anyway now and she didn't want her out of the house at all that day.

"Mother! Mother! It's starting and Mom isn't answering the phone!" Odette ran to Carmilla as her sister began readying their weapons to protect the building. "Damn it! I forgot to tell her about the early extermination!" She covered her face before grabbing her phone and lacing her shoes and Heading out the door. "Both of you stay here! I'll be back with Y/n." Carmilla ran off, heading in the direction of her lovers territory, nervous that she may not make it in time, but she hoped Y/n could still stay safe with the weapons she gifted her.

"Y/n?!" The taller woman called out, looking around the territory with a fearful look, seeing all the roaming Exterminators and dead sinners on the ground around the park that she knew Y/n loved so much. Suddenly, a scream rang out further in the distance towards Y/n's house. Carmilla ran towards the house in fear the closest she got she could see four figures in the distance three of them surrounding the other as Y/n tries to crawl away. She was able to use her stings to lead them away, but it didn't damage them.

Carmilla ran towards Y/n and began helping her fight, the both of them shooting and swinging Angelic weapons, until more exterminator piled around them, Yn grabbed Carmilla and began running to safely, heading back towards her house, still fighting on the way there, using her strings to guide the others away from her, some cracks in her wooden skin, waiting to break on her.

Carmilla went to grab Y/n before a scream was let out, causing her eyes to widen as she saw an angelic weapon pierced through Y/n's stomach while she had her own spear and arm sticking out of the exterminator "NO!" She immediately grabbed Y/n and pulled her in her arms, tears in her eyes as she got inside with the others, holding her close as she tried to save her, even though he knew it was too late. "Baby no..please.."

"It's gonna be okay....shhh...." she played with Carmilla's hair as she took her last breathes, a smile on her face the whole time as the last sight she saw was her beautiful girlfriend. "Y/n..Y/n this isn't funny. Wake up!" The taller overload cried along with the survivors of the extermination, their somewhat fun and peaceful territory now in shambles and empty feeling.  "I'm going to make things right my love...I won't let you down.."

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