Angel Dust x fem Overlord reader

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Requested by ALEXXIIISS
Italics are backstory
[3rd Pov]
"Damn you! Don't any of you know how to be careful?!" Angel groaned as he was getting ready for filming, wondering why Val was freaking out today. "How the hell could I forget- Everything needs to be spotless!"

"What's up his ass today?" The spider demon asked the shorter phone addicted Vee. "Val's...boss is coming today and he forgot, he's going to get in trouble because of how he's been acting recently, so I don't think you'll be filming for long if you film at all." Velvette laughed while scrolling on her phone. "I didn't know Val had a boss-"

"Valentino! Oh darling how have you been!~" a sweet voice rang out as the door was kicked open, a beautiful mummy demon. Vox, Valentino, and Velvette all walked over and bowed to her as the rest of the workers did except for Angel. "What are you doing?! Bow down you idiot!" A demon hissed quietly and forced Angel to bow before they were allowed to stand.

"Y/n, how was your trip here? I hope it wasn't any trouble." Valentino spoke kindly, his entire attitude and demeanor changing in front of this woman. "It was already honey but I am quite parched, do you have anything to drink? Oh! Where's that adorable Kitty of yours?"

"Angel, stop staring, you'll get droll on the floor." Velvette snapped once she got next to him. "Yeah sorry just- wow.." "oh! You've never introduced me to this one Valentino~" Y/n was suddenly in front of Angel Dust, her hair shaping her face perfectly as she started at him with her glowing eyes. "He's my best employee, this is Angel Dust." "Nice to meet you t- I mean ma'am" he smiled while grabbing her thanks to shake. "The name is Y/n babes" she smiled and kissed the back of his hand.

"Now, let's get on to business. Val, your office, now." Her glare sharpened as she headed into the office with a defeated Valentino sulking behind her while the other Vee's snickered before immediately shutting up and looking nervously at the female. "So what do you want to talk about?" Val spoke with a nervous smile. "I'm taking one of your employees as my own." "Oh...well that's....fine? I can find another emplo-" "I'm taking Angel." "What?! You can't take him! He's my best-!" "I'm taking him and that's final. You have a contract with him yes? He's mine now. Call him in here and break the contract." She threatened, her bandages wrapping around him, ready to bury him alive. "Yes Y/n..."

"And that's how we met!" Y/n smiled happily at Charlie and nifty who were listening in on the story while Angel smiled from the bar, waving with a toothy grin "I'm happy she got me out of that hell have no idea.." "aww, I love you Angel.."

"I love you too toots, thank you.."

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