Angel Dust x Fem reader

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Requested by Khloe0098

[3rd POV]
Y/n hadn't been having a good week at all, demons constantly messing with her, she got pick pocketed the other day, she worked long hours and her boss barely paid her anymore than she deserved, even fired her because she wouldn't sleep with them.

Today was her anniversary with the one and only Angel dust and she felt horrible. When she got pick pocketed, the demon stole the gift she was going to give to Angel, who knows where it is now. Being a Chameleon demon had its ups and downs. She was able to hide and get away easily in bad situations, but on the bad note, she could never hide how she was feeling from Angel due to her skin changing colors depending on how she felt.

Once she made it back to her room, she was caught off guard by the Spider demon waiting for her, gifts in hand while the room looked much better than have she left it this morning. "Happy anniversary baby cakes" he smiles happily before frowning as he saw Y/n start to turn blue. "Y/n?"

That was all it took for her to break down crying, the spider immediately wrapping their Arlan around her as he tries to calm her down. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" He asked, pulling her closer. "Ai ruined our anniversary! The gift I got you was stolen, I got fired, my week has been so horrible!" She sniffled as she cried in his fluffy chest.

Hearing Y/n upset made Angel upset and think back to all the times she was there for him when he had a bad day at work, not it was time for him to be there for her. Angel picked Y/n up and they got in the bath together, enjoying each other's company as he noticed he slowly got Y/n to calm down, playing with her hair gently as well. "You haven't ruined anything, I'm just happy I get to spend the day with you, and I'm gonna do whatever I can to put a smile back on that face" he grinned before ticking her, causing some laughs to be let out of Y/n.

After they got out the shower, Y/n and Angel curled up in bed with their food and Fat nuggets to watch any show that Y/n wanted that night. Throughout the night, she felt better and knew that she was loved. Things didn't have to be perfect in their lives as they were each other's safe space and neither knew what they'd do if they lost the other.

Angel was glad that his plan was working and she was happy again. Maybe Alastor was right, you're never fully dressed without a smile after all. "Happy anniversary Angel cakes.." Y/n smiled before pulling the demon into a kiss gently as she nuzzled into his chest, getting comfortable. "Goodnight Darlin.." he smiled, kissing her forehead while wrapping all 6 arms around her as they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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