file 012 | the sunny toyama kazuha

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Heiji grinned as Kogoro gained a nervous look on his face. "H-Hey, now. Don't tell me this car is..."

"Well, let's go!"

~ — — — ~

"Isn't this the best?! Cop cars are great!" Heiji laughed as Sakata drove them through the busy streets. "You can even pass other cars even in traffic jams!"

I don't think that's what they're for, Heiji...

Oh, let me have my fun!

Heiji turned towards the three in the backseat with a grin. "So, where would you like to go, guests?"

Kogoro had an irked mark on his forehead and Suzume scootched a little more towards Ran. "Tell me...are you making us tour Osaka in this thing?!"

Suzume winced as her right ear rang slightly from the yelling and Ran rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

Heiji was confused. "Huh? You don't like it? It's brand new!" He got an idea. "Oh, I know! Should I turn on the siren? We can go even faster!"

Ran waved her hands with a nervous smile. "No, that's not what he means..." She looked out the window as she dropped her hands into her lap. "It feels like we're being arrested, so it's kind of embarrassing."

Heiji smiled. "Oh, don't worry about that! You haven't done anything wrong! Hold your heads high!"

~ — — — ~

"Whaddya think?! This is real udon!" Heiji smiled from where he stood next to Suzume's seat in the restaurant. "The soup's so clear you can see the bottom!"

"Yeah, you can!" Ran hummed before trying some. "It's a light flavor, but good!"

The chef looked at the Osaka native with a smile. "Oh, Heiji! Who's she? A new girlfriend?" he asked, nodding towards Ran.

Heiji smiled awkwardly, glancing down at a nonchalant Suzume, who was eating her udon without saying anything. Ah...that doesn't bode well for me... "Does it seem that way?"

"No! I'm just a regular Tokyo—" Ran cut herself off when she felt something was wrong.

Suzume glanced at her with furrowed brows. "You okay?" she asked.

"I suddenly got a chill..." Ran murmured, looking behind her.

"So, where to next?" Heiji asked, making Suzume look away from Ran and at him.

Kogoro looked at a guidebook he had brought along with them. "Hmm, the next thing Osaka is famous for is..."

~ — — — ~

"This takoyaki is great!" Kogoro cheered as he ate another from the plate.

Suzume chuckled as she chewed on the one in her mouth. "Never had ones with octopus as big as these ones," she said in agreement.

Heiji glanced at Ran, who was looking around with a frown. "What is it?" he asked.

She looked back at him. " just feels like someone's been watching me..." she told him as she continued to look around.

He smiled at her. "Oh, don't worry about it and eat up!" he said.

Ran gasped as she saw there were only two takoyaki left on the plate since Suzume and Kogoro had both gobbled them up while Ran and Heiji were talking. She snatched the plate away from them. "I can't take my eyes off you!"

Suzume just gave her a mischievous smile that had Ran shaking her head with a fond smile.

~ — — — ~

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