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summary: mason meets your parents for the first time
genre: fluff
warnings: swearing, kissing
if you don't have siblings then just ignore all the brothers stuff. i have two brothers so it's just easier for me to write that way, sorry if that's inconvenient!!

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i'm currently sitting at my vanity table and i'm nervous as fuck. i can hear my heartbeat in my ears as my leg bounces up and down to the same rhythm. i can't believe mason is actually meeting my parents tonight. my phone pings and i check it instantly, hoping for an update from mason.

to my relief, it is a message from mason, asking what my mum's favourite flowers are. he's so sweet, i can't believe he's being cliche enough to get my mum flowers. i respond by saying 'tulips x' and put my phone down, continuing to get ready.


later, i'm laughing at something my dad said when i hear the doorbell ring. "i'll get it!" i call as my mum starts to walk to the door. i rush to the front of the house and swing open the door. outside stands a very handsome mason. i can tell he's really made an effort for tonight and it makes my heart swoon. he has a nervous smile plastered on his face and he's carrying a beautiful bouquet of tulips.

"hey pretty girl." he says confidently, but the slight wobble in his voice proves he doesn't really feel it. he knows how overprotective my older brother can be, but he puts on a smile anyway. he reaches forward and wraps his arms around my waist as my own go around the back of his neck and i kiss him softly.

"hey pretty boy." i smile. "thank you for bringing my mum flowers. she'll love you for that." it was a joke but mason doesn't respond, just sort of chuckles dryly.

"y/n, seriously," he checks over my head to see if anyone can hear. "i'm shitting myself. i'm so scared."

i take his free hand in mine: "they're going to love you mase." i promise him, confident in my answer. i know they will, he just has to know it too.

he smiles reassuringly at me even though he's the worried one. i shout for my brothers to get downstairs and squeeze mason's hand tight one last time before tugging him along to the kitchen. my mum and dad are already looking at the door expectantly and my brothers follow us in shortly afterwards. "everyone, this is mason." i gesture to him by raising our interlocked hands. "mason this is my mum and dad and my brothers ross and joey."

mason waves politely with the bouquet in his hand, wearing the same confident smile (he's a really good actor). "hey everyone."

my mum is the first to rush over and i let go of mason's hand so he can hug her. when i do it raises slightly, almost begging for me to hold his hand again. cute. "hi mason," she kisses his cheek politely before looking at the tulips.

mason raises the bouquet higher when they pull away, "these are for you mrs l/n."

my mum's beautiful smile grows even brighter. "you can call me y/m/n mason. and thank you! how did you know tulips were my favourite?" i can see the blush rise on mason's cheek as he admits to asking beforehand. i think my mum's heart melts as much as mine does. "aww how sweet is that! well thank you mason, i love them."

mason smiles proudly as my dad gets up and walks over to us. he stretches out his hand "nice to meet you mason, i'm y/d/n."

mason returns the handshake and says "pleasure to meet you sir." but my dad was having none of it, he insisted mason called him by his first name which (to be fair) was actually quite sweet.

then, mason shook my older brother's hand and politely greeted him. at first i was worried that he'd be overprotective - and i could tell mason was thinking the same - but he seemed to be pretty chill and actually started telling mase about some of my embarrassing stories from when i was younger.

at least they're getting along is all i could think as he starts explaining how i got stuck in a chair when i was 10.

mason bent down to give my little brother a fist bump but the little boy hid behind my leg, cautiously peeking out from behind me and making us all laugh. "well you can't please everyone." mason joked. it made my heart flutter when my family all laughed: they really like him.

dinner was delicious and full of my family getting to know mason and then sharing embarrassing stories about me. mason offered to help my siblings and i wash up but my older brother insisted he go to the living room with my parents.

i had to force the baby photos out of my dad's hands when i got back.

now we're all sat around the room watching a film. mason whispers is my ear "i think tonight went pretty well."

i smiled widely and put my face in his neck for a second before replying "they love you." and pecking his lips. the smile on his face matches mine.

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i had no idea how to end this but oh WELL

hope this was good xx

this week will be one chapter and two preferences again because it's literally thursday as i'm writing this a/n 🙈

"i thought it mattered what i said or where i said it. then i realised the only thing that matters is you, you make me happier than i ever thought i could be. and if you'll let me, i will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way💗"
chandler bing - friends

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