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summary: you thought going to a beach bonfire would be boring
genre: fluff
warnings: swearing, kissing, flirting, making out

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"do we really have to go?" i plead with my best friend as i drag my feet along the concrete of the pavement as it slowly transitions to grains of sand. the crunch of them under my shoes is enough to send me running back to the car.

"yes y/n daniel invited us we have to be here!"

i scoff "you know best friends don't leave their best friend stranded around a beach bonfire to flirt with a boy she added on snap three days ago." she looks over at me with a scowl but i can only smirk.

"you know he invited you because he showed his friend a photo of me and your were in the back and his mate said you were pretty." i blushed. after i first found this out yesterday i asked for a photo of him, and he is really cute.

i roll my eyes and say "have fun." as i push her towards the boy she likes. "use protection!" i shout, making her turn back and give me a death stare making me laugh.

"at least you're looking out for her." a voice behind me says. i spin around and see the pretty boy. his curls are even better in person and his gorgeous eyes match the same description. his lips are pulled up in an attractive smirk and i can't help but stare.

but i regain myself; "well what are friend for?" i ask rhetorically with a smirk that matches his. "i'm y/n."

he nods his head "a pretty name for a pretty girl." he pauses to look at my lips, "you're danny's girl's pretty friend."

i hide my blush as i nod: "shit, try saying that five times fast."

the boy laughs and throws his head back; his jawline could literally fucking cut me in half. "i'm mason." mason turns around to the small table wedged in the sand. "can i get you a drink?" he asks.

"yeah for sure." he puts a hand out and i smile as i take it. as we walk along the beach to the drinks table i look over at my best friend and she pretends to squeal as she points at our hands. i do the same as i see daniel's arm around her shoulders. never seen two pretty best friends my ass.

"what can i get ya?" mason makes me turn my head back around to face him and i nearly melt when he's already looking at me.

"jack and coke please." mason looks at me with his brows furrowed. "what?"

he shrugs before pouring the jack daniel's into a solo cup, i watch the cup carefully as he makes my drink. "didn't take you as a whiskey girl."

i chuckle "well i am." i smile at him when he lets out the most attractive laugh once again. he hands me the cup after he pours the coke in and i check that the ice floats before taking a sip. can never be too careful. "what are you having?"

"uhh i don't know." he rests the hand that isn't still holding mine on the edge of the table as he leans on it. "why don't you make it? surprise me with something?"

i pass my cup to him "cover this for me?" he begrudgingly lets go of my hand to put it over my cup. i smirk as i pour vodka and peach schnapps into a cup and cover the top as i shake it around to mix it. mason laughs as i add the orange and cranberry juice before stirring it with a straw and giving it to him.

he looks at the drink and smirks. "really? i ask for a drink and you make me a fucking sex on the beach?"

i shrug and say "it felt fitting." mason raises his eyebrows at me. mine do the same but in shock of what i actually just said. "wait..." i laugh at my stupidity. "because we're on a beach not because- yeah- you know i-"

"mhm mhm sure pretty girl." he looks down into the cup again and i'm thankful as that means he won't see me blush. "you haven't spiked this have you?" he asks with a raised brow.

i laugh as he passes me my own cup back and i thank him before arguing "you watched me make it!"

"okay then... but you should know i'm taking psychology so i know if you're lying." he squints his eyes at me as he takes a sip.

"so you have trust issues you mean?" i smirk and mason laughs causing him to spit out a bit of his drink. i can't help but laugh at him.

we talk about everything as we finish our drinks (or whatever was left of mason's) and when they're gone i ask "do you like the ocean?" as we look out at the horizon as it slowly fades away, just a sliver of sunlight peeking over it.

"i'm scared of it. but i grew up in arizona so i never really had the chance to go in it." he explains as he looks out to the sea. "and now we live here but my fear still hasn't gone away."

"oh well i was gonna offer to go in but i wouldn't want you to start freaking out." i chuckle.

mason looks over at me. "i'll go in." he says dead serious.

i laugh at him and shake my head "you literally just told me you're scared of the ocean."

he only shrugs and says "i'd go in for you." the smile on his face won't allow me to say no.

"alright then." we start to pull our shoes off as we run down to the shoreline. the water rushes over my feet and i giggle as the cold sea breeze rushes through my hair. i look over and laugh at mason's frozen stature. "you alright there?"

he nods "it's colder than i thought it would be." he looks to me and takes my hand. i can't ignore the way he looks at my lips and back up into my eyes. my other hand raises to hold his face and his free hand holds onto my waist. "is this okay?' he asks, his voice just above a whisper.

"yeah," i reassure him. "is this okay for you?" i ask just to be sure.

mason nods again "yeah it is." and with that, the gap between our lips becomes non-existent. the kiss is slow and passionate, both of us assuring the other that we really are into each other. i can taste the cocktail i made him earlier as his tongue slides into my mouth after i allow him to. the only sounds i hear are our heavy breathing and the waves crashing against our ankles.

we stay in the same position for while after we pull away until mason says "can i take you out on a date sometime?"

i'm still breathless so all i can manage is "yeah, i'd love that."

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massive thank you to user375827498 for this idea and another coming to my walker book tomorrow! lit couldn't have done it without you girl thank you<3

okay so the plan is for the weeks when i don't have the time to write two chapters i'm gonna write one chapter and two preferences chapters (like this week). hope this is okay!

"can i stay a while?"
"you can stay forever💗"
anna scott and william thacker - notting hill

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