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summary: mason forgives you and you make-up by making out
genre: angst, fluff, mature
warnings: conflict, making out

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i'd be rich if i got a cent for every time i knocked on the door to the spare room. we've never gone to bed angry before and i wasn't about to let us start, but as it approached midnight and i realised that i'd been sat outside this door for three hours, crying and begging mason to let me in, i was beginning to lose hope.

at one point i thought about picking the lock on the door but i didn't want to make mason any more mad than he already is. i didn't know if he could hear me crying, but i knew that when i stopped every once in a while i could definitely hear mason's sniffles on the other side of the door.

and now it's 1:30 in the morning and im still sat outside this door with a bag of hot cheetos hoping it will somehow lure him out. "mason," i called out, not even surprised by my hoarse voice. "can you please just let me in?". i wasn't going to give up, but by this point i knew it was useless.

so you can imagine my surprise when i heard the lock turn from above me.

i scrambled up to my feet and my heart broke when i saw him as he opened the door. his hair was everywhere, his eyes were dull and red, there were many prominent tear stains rubbing down his cheeks.

and i did that to him.

i immediately pulled him into a hug, apologising profusely under my breath in his ear. his hands were ghosts over my hips, almost undecided if they wanted to lay there or not. eventually his arms crossed around my waist and pulled me even closer.

i looked up at him with a small, grateful smile and my heart nearly burst when he gave me one back. "i'm so sorry mason" it was all i could think to say but his smile didn't falter.

"that's okay. it happens. don't beat yourself up about it. just please, don't do it again." i nodded and for the first time in nearly five hours, a comfortable silence hung around us. "i'm sorry for making you cry."

i smile, replying "ditto."

he leans down and kisses me, gently at first, like he's scared i'm going to break, but then something changed, like someone flipped a switch in his head. one hand stays on my waist but the other reaches up to hold my face and slowly retreats to the side of my neck. my knees go weak and almost physically buckle when he groans against my lips.

he walks backwards slowly into the spare room and pulls me along with him and i kick the door shut with my foot. i don't remember somehow getting on the bed but i do know that we never broke apart, even for a second.

the only sounds to be heard were our short, heavy breaths and little whimpers and moans as our lips lock together. my hands go up and get tangled in his hair, making mason let out a very pretty noise.

his hands go to my hips and move me against him slightly as his lips move down my jaw to my neck and i tilt my head back to give him more space and from the familiar, tender tingling sensation that ran throughout my body. at one point, when i start to get a little louder, mason kisses up to my ear and says in a low whisper "shh baby, not so loud," before being cut off by a groan himself.

mason starts to move me faster and i have to remove one hand from his hair and put it against the wall in front of me to stabilise myself.

when our movements slow and our breathing does the same, we lay in silence for a while, me collapsed on top of mason's chest with his hands curling the ends of my hair around his finger. the silence around us speaks a thousand words so the two of us don't have to. "i love you." i whisper to him as my eyes start to close.

"i'll always love you." he replies and rubs my back slowly, gently. "so if you think i'm sharing you with that newt guy you've got a whole thing coming for you." i burst out laughing, having completely forgotten about how we got into this situation in the first place.

mason grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. "what are we watching?" i ask as i turn my head to get a view of the tv.

"jennifer's body."


"if you say one fucking thing about megan fox mason i swear to god-"

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SO !!

this was scary to write my body physically recoiled at parts but we MOVE. hope you liked it cuties x

but mostly i hate the way i don't hate you
not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all💗
kat stratford - ten things i hate about you

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