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summary: you and mason grew up together
genre: fluff, angst?
warnings: minor injury detail, divorce

i'm still british so mum = mom
i feel weird writing mom sorry about that💀

this is a long one get ready

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NO ONE'S pov

1 month & 1 week old

"where is she!" mason's mother called through her best friend's house, dying to meet her goddaughter. she was so excited she nearly dropped her own baby boy, but she would never of course.

"living room!" y/n's mum shouted back from her spot on the sofa. mason's mum squealed as she saw the little baby girl all wrapped up in blankets, sleeping in her mother's arms.

"she's so beautiful," she sat down next to the new mother and made faces at her goddaughter, even though she was asleep. the smile on her face reminded her of when mason was born and she met him for the first time, making her look back at her little boy. "these kids are gonna be such good friends."

y/n's mum's face lit up, "i think they'll have that cliche movie love. like they're best friends since birth and then before you know it we're getting invitations to their wedding."

she looked between the two babies and then at her best friend, who said "god i hope so." with a smile on her face.

"i hope so too, i didn't push this girl out of me for her to run off with some car-obsessed, man-whore jock!" y/n's mother replied, sending them both cackling and waking up their babies.


5 years old

mason had stolen the red paint from y/n's side of the table. again. how was she going to paint a giraffe without red? "masey give it back!"

"no! i need it for my ducks, use the other colours y/n/n!" he babbled while squeezing more and more onto his palette, making y/n get angrier by the second.

"ducks aren't red, dufus!" but mason didn't say anything.

she reached over and grabbed it from him, squirting some of it in his brand new white tshirt accidentally (on purpose) in the process. outraged, mason scooped up a big dollop of red paint and reached over the table, smoothing it into her hair.

instead of screaming and crying, y/n took some of what wasn't rubbed into her hair and spread it all over mason's face. they stopped for a second, looking at each other, before bursting into a fit of giggles.

they were grounded for two weeks because they got red paint all over the carpet in the playroom, but they spent one week at mason's house and the other at y/n's because (in y/n's words) they didn't want to forget each other.

two weeks is a long time for little kids.


10 years old

"don't run too far!" mason's parents called after the kids, watching as the two of them sprinted away to play in the grass of the park. his mother sent a text to the group chat of the four parents, letting y/n's mum and dad know that she was perfectly fine while they were away.

𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 - 𝐦.𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now