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The MET officers will be the first to stand trial at the Old Bailey.

Tuesday 21/06/2022, both entered the court on charges of gross misconduct by officers of the Metropolitan police Service. The opening cases put the MET in front of the entire UK media.

On the same day; Clement would take to the stand as a witness. His absolute redemption will happen at the crown court, central London. The lead in to the trials, ensured that Andrew and Ben stood separate trials. Ben had submitted a guilt plea, whereas Andrew denied his involvement.

At 09.45, Andrew entered the court followed by a MET solicitor. Neither were privy to Ben's full statements, as the NCA held the right to retain his information. What they did know was; after his arrest a former homosexual partner had contacted the NCA and denounced him as an abusive bastard. the MET had no control over his statements. He was their anonymous source.

The moment of truth arrived; Clement took to witness stand for questioning.


"Clement you claim you witnessed Andrew unloading two packages from a van, at 06.40 on 17th of December 2021. He was one of two men. You identified the two men with a verbal description to the NCA. Is this correct."


"Yes that is correct."


"The court has seen the recorded interview Clement undertook with the NCA. He identified Andrew then. He also gave the van's, make, colour & registration number."

"Clement please describe, again, in front of the court; how you identified Andrew and the man with him."


"Andrew had a distinctive scouse accent, Liverpool accent; he was giving instructions to the other guy called Ben. What caught my attention was the packages. They were lifting heavy duty black sacks. It looked odd; stupidly I walked pasted the van and Andrew. I regret that."


"You saw Andrew and Ben lifting the packages to where exactly?"


"I saw them lift two packages to the blocks entrance door. I saw Andrew use a swipe card to open the door. I saw them bring the packages into the E block. The block has lifts!"


"Clement I thank you for returning to the same court, that you were convicted in for the murders and rape of Victoria and Elizabeth. You can please step down."

Clement left the witness stand as a redeemed man. He got retribution by never looking at Andrew, the judge or the defence counsel. His Vengeance will come via his book release.

"Clement has presented evidence in front of this court. The black sacks that Clement referenced, were morgue bags, which the metropolitan police service use at crime scenes. We know this as the NCA found those bags. They contained the DNA of Victoria and Elizabeth. In addition Andrews DNA was present as was Bens; who will stand trial in this court."

"How do we know this; because Andrew returned the bags to Lambeth station, where he worked and where he took them from. He planned on disposing off the bags via a colleague. His plans were thwarted by a fellow Metropolitan officer."


The prosecution had intel via the NCA. They had talked with this particular officer and he had safeguarded the bags. The bags were evidence against Andrew and Ben. The MET officer was his former homosexual partner. His own statement will be heard at Ben's trial.

Andrew wasn't requested to the stand for questioning. He was the intro to a series of trials against the Westminster billionaires club.

The prosecutions case evidence; preceded Bens Trial appearance.

Andrew left the courtroom to remain in custody for the duration of the trials.

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