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Clement will undertake an intensive interview with the NCA.

Ronan will lead the interview; with Claire assigned as Clements legal intermediate. Clement will be allowed to comment on all the evidence summited by the MET.


"Under the terms and conditions of this interview, the NCA are granting you the opportunity to speak about the events, prior to you being arrested by the metropolitan police, in Dagenham; 07.00am 18/12/2021. The interview is being recorded.

- Clement looks at Claire -

"Respect is earned, its not given...What I know, is what I saw!"

"Last time I saw those white girls, was 21.00; Thursday the 16th. How I know that, I was selling cocaine outside of Cracker Jack's boozer. They were picked up in a limousine. I saw the driver open the door for them. That moment you can't forget...Claire without being vulgar, in front of a woman I respect...Claire, Ronan those girls were a billionaires penny sized hole..."

"The reference is crude, and I do apologise for the reference....but I know that limousine drove them to their deaths, it never happened in that flat....those girls, were killed in Knightsbridge."

"The MET are covering up for a London sex Network, these bastards aren't accountable to anyone, its a billionaires HSBC bankers network."

"Ronan, the top elite are child abusers, rapist, and if they kill in their sex games, the MET dump the dead bodies on their behalf."

"Claire, if I'm lying...stab me right here, in my Christian heart....stab me....because I was a petty drug dealer, 150£ a week extra, on top of a shitbag wage for being a back off house, janitor for the Knightsbridge hotel."

- Direct state at Ronan -

"Brixton; prison gave me everything, 5 months gave me a renewed path to my god almighty."

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