- 14.15 -

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Ronan's IT came about from tracking two Irishmen to the hotel.

Sean & Daniel coordinated Paddypower's online, betting platform in Dublin. On the 16th they were staying at the hotel. He was tracking them, as they had outstanding convictions for fraud, and rape in Scotland. Clement's statements wouldn't be tainted, he was allowed to divulge his own account of what the remembered.


"These men are pure evil, the MET got my DNA from the Hotel, I know that, they accused me of rape, I was told that my semen was found on the victims....Jesus can you help me. The MET falsified that one."

"Claire, Ronan, I worked nightshifts in the hotel, on the 17th I got home at 06.45. You can check the bus timetables. Walking to my flat I saw a van, I saw heavy loads enter the flat block across from where I live.

- looking directly at Claire -

 "The loads....were the two girls. Lord god almighty, did I suffer from a wrongful conviction, yes I did....but my lord God almighty, got me out. Those young girls suffered. Those penny holes, were rejected, by my God. An eye for an eye."

"A tooth for a tooth."


"Clement; your shift started at 23.00, 16th. You exited at 05.00, 17th. That is undisputable. Everything resets on you being able to identify anyone you saw!"


"My brother, I saw and I can identify the pair that lifted those loads."

"They were MET, not to be confused with the devils Meth. The Meth I used and I sold. Ronan they arrested my brothers in Stockwell, they planted drugs, cocaine, in their flats. My brothers are now serving time, for the loafs and fishes, created my the MET, not from the drop of almighty gods wine!

"Ronan; The MET planted those girls, in that Flat."


Sean & Daniel were Ronan's targets. They were the IT link to fraud in Scotland. They were billionaires. In addition they played a role in a Liverpool Irish connection which operated Paddypower's online money transfers to HSBC.

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