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Philip's next interview was with Omer!

Omer, the Turk had never been arrested. He was too well protected by the MET. Essentially he was greasing their palms. Jason estimated that Omer was paid 25K per body, from the Westminster sex network. He was registered as the owner of 46 Turkish kebab takeaways in London, yet he lived in Essex.


"Omer; where were you on the night of 16th Dec, 2021?"


"I remember, I was at my takeaway on the new Kent road."


"For the record; you also own a Turkish takeaway, on Jamaica road Bermondsey. The metropolitan police found a dead 18yr old in the boot of a car on Marine street. The car was purchased using cash by your son Omer JR. Your sons statement to the MET, was the car was stolen."

"Please explain what you know about that event?"


"You know, when why son talks, I listen, but I can't be held responsible for my sons actions."


"We are not interviewing your son, Omer we are questioning you about your involvement in the deaths of Victoria & Elizabeth."

"Omer do you know Daniel whitehead and do you know Arthur Bailey. Omer have you ever met a man named Julian Foley."


Omer had in fact met Arthur and Julian at the Earls & Victoria club, two days before Julian was arrested. His arrest brought charges of unlawful possession of £350K in cash. The NCA weren't aware of his association with the Network, before interview. During interview he was forced to admit that he handled money transfers between Daniel whitehead and Arthur Bailey. 

Jason's informers gave him the inside track on Omer. It was Jason that had him released on bail after interview, pending further enquiries. In addition Julian would pass intel directly to Jason.

He duly passed over intel on Daniel, Arthur, Omer & Andrew in return for a dropped case. The entire network was known only to Jason. Jason reasons, not to share intel with Ronan was due to Julian's intel. The MET had a list of NCA's officers on their files, Ronan was on that list.

The bonus for Jason, was Julian gave up all the names on the Westminster network. The people included top level banking officials.


"No I don't remember knowing any of these men, not a single name...none. I don't know them, I never met them."

Jason was using the backdoor entrance to protect Ronan.

NETWORKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora