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Philip had extracted everything to advise on a NCA internal meeting.

He explained that Ryan was believable and Julian wasn't. The question was if Jason had used Julian as an informer, how would that impact on the cases against the 7 they had in detention.

Jason admitted that Julian was his informer. He spoke about keeping him in the dark. He never released the names of his informers. Equally; Ryan & Julian stated he was there on the 7th March. Jason will take an internal NCA inquest into unauthorised police actions, yet the court trial dates will be in June.

Julian had given up, Jeffery, Bruce and Howard. Ronan knew they were 3 top tier executive HSBC bankers. They were also a critical digital trace to the Liverpool mafia, and Andrea herself. Ronan will isolated them with an ultracompact NCA IT surveillance unit.

Jason & Ronan set in motion the NCA route to the June trial dates. Julian's case intel was circumstantial. He served his purpose as a useable informer and he would not receive preferential consideration. Julian will be kept in detention as a suspect in Eric's death.

Moving forward; the NCA had less than one month to quantify their evidence on all seven detainees. Jason wouldn't be part of the process, until he sits before his own hearing.

Midday 30th May, Jason presented justification for using street informers. 46 people had been convicted via intel obtained by Jason at London street level. 


"I acknowledge that Julian's intel was awash with disinformation. Julian informed me to keep his position in the Westminster network. I knew he was feeding me intel to safeguard, himself."

"The guy would flush his own mother to protect himself. He will flush out government officials. It's only a matter of time; he's in detention we need to wait because it wouldn't take long."

"Everyone has a breaking point!"

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