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"Clement; I don't want to interrupt you. My question; apart from the two men, entering the Block, did you see anyone in the hotel on the 16th, that may have killed Victoria & Elisabeth."


"Eternal father, forgive me, I beg for your mercy....Yes; I did see two men, arrive at 01.00am. They entered via the hotel supervisor. He works late shifts, only to allow the sex network to run inside the hotel. He is in on the act. Brother, he is paid. Ronan; he brought them straight up to a second floor, suite. That's were the girls were killed....Jesus can you help me, please, the 3 men in that suite are members of the sex network." 

"5 times, I've seem the same Irish men, I know them by their accents. Those Irish rapists, those holy catholic Irish fakes, they killed those girls in that same suite." 


"Clement, the men you saw in the hotel, can you identify them by photographs."


"Ronan, I'm prison free, I'm cocaine free, I'm meth free....you have asked me to respect the most important of the 10 commandments; thou shall not murder...nor steal...nor covet ."

"Jesus forgive me, for I was a drug dealers, a sinner, a reprobate...My god almighty, I never lied, I never cheated, I never stole, I always respects my neighbour. As much as I did, disrespect my God Almighty I didn't forsake him. Brixton prison; there I found you God and your son Jesus. Please be grateful, because I never lied, never." 

"I sold cocaine to feed my own habit. Jesus I was wrong!"


"Clement, your past faults are not our real problem. We are interviewing you, to find murders."

"I present on this table, photographs of men. Can you identify any of these men, as the men your saw at the Knightsbridge hotel on the night; Thursday: 16th of December 2021.

Clement viewed a series of photographs from the NCA's current cases. Without hesitation he immediately identified, Sean, Daniel and Seamus, on the first glance. The latter was the Limousine driver. Ronan knew that there was no possible chance that Clement could ever have met them. They weren't part of London's criminal underworld. Sean & Daniel were in the elite HSBC club of financial fraudsters.

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