The Plan (Tech x Crosshair)

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Back at the trailer, Tech took a deep breath as he entered the trailer that held not only his bandmates but his sister-in-law. Omega waved at him from where she was styling Hunter’s hair, the singer remained still but wearing a disgusted expression at the smell from the hairspray. 

“So?” Wrecker’s voice had Tech looking at the drummer who was spinning his sticks in between his fingers. 

“Family emergency” Tech summed up. Omega blinked behind Hunter as the two almost shared a silent conversation.

“Great, why now? We have a concert tonight…” Echo moaned, slumping into the sofa. Tech tried his hardest not to glare when an idea came to him, he sent a quick text off and received a quick reply back. “Hunter, what are we going to do without our guitarist?” Echo grunted out, turning to one of his husbands. “We will think of something, might have to do an autotune in the background, Tech can you cover that?” Hunter turned to the second youngest in the room. Tech only smiled, “I could or we allow Omega to cover Crosshair only until he returns” Tech exclaimed, making Omega drop her brush. 

“Really?! He agreed?!” Omega’s excited tone had the older three bandmates sharing looks. 

“Tech, is that really a good idea? Crosshairs rifts are really hard, no offence kid” Wrecker spoke in his normal happy tone, Omega only raised an eyebrow. 

“Yes, Omega has been training and taking extra lessons from her brother almost everyday after the two go for their morning or night runs. I have heard her play and I can say she is suitable to cover for her brother and potentially have a place in the band even when Crosshair comes back” Tech explained. 

“You mean if he comes back?” Echo tried to correct. 

“Hey! My brother will come back! He’s just dealing with a family issue at the minute and if he hadn't gone, he would have lost custody of me!” Omega was quick to defend Crosshair who wasn’t in the room to defend himself. Hunter winced knowing there was something much deeper going on but for now, he wasn’t going to pry. 

“Okay fine, it’s settled. Omega will cover until Crosshair returns but we best move to sound-checks before…” 

A knock on the trailer door interrupted Hunter’s speech as their area manager, Echo’s older brother, Rex entered and he did not look happy. 

“Rex, what is it?” Echo barely asked before a phone was shoved in his face with an article of: 

‘Are band members dating? A picture of the Technician and Guitarist although in the shadows of a trailer seem to be up to more than no good. Stick around to find out more?!’

“Shit” Wrecker grunted out while Tech only rolled his eyes, “I have no problem with it, yes our identities were hidden by the shade of the trailer but why make such a fuss?” Tech asked, Rex only glared his way. Tech shrunk slightly on himself until Hunter’s arm snaked its way around his waist, calming him. 

“We agreed that this band in the public eye would refrain from touching each other, to bring in more mystery and…” Rex almost continued to rant when Tech’s phone went off and he left the body of the trailer, heading up the stairs to find some privacy as he answered the phone only to feel relaxed for the first time in a long time. 

“Hey Kid, are you able to take this private phone call from your old man?” 

“Of course dad, what’s up?” 

“A small amount in life is what’s up but you would know that since your husband has returned home. Are you not going to tell the others? Did you know he’s pregnant? Shocked the living hell out of me and your mother” 

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