{Amusement Park Outings}

Start from the beginning

They all shook hands and introduced themselves separately, Zianna pulled back and smiled at us both as she continued to look between the 3 of us for a moment.

"You two look almost identical," She pointed to Kylo and I and then looked at Malyk. "And you are the spitting image of your brother here Malyk" Malyk smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Kylo and I are triplets, there's one more but she's not here obviously" I explained, Zianna nodded her head.

"Yeah and when Micka and Kawaii-Chan get together, it's almost impossible to tell them apart. Unless they change their hair" Kylo said, I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"Well I can't wait to meet her one day. Would you two like to spend the day with us? I'd love to get to know some of KC's family" Zianna said, Malyk and Kylo agreed.

That's when Garroth stepped forward and I narrowed my eyes at him because I knew he was about to say or do something, he patted Kylo's shoulder and wrapped an arm around it.
"Do you remember what you told me the last time you were here?" I looked at them and then realized Kylo had told Garroth what I said....about my feelings for Zane.

"Traitor!" I snapped loudly, Kylo just smiled.

"Yeah?" Garroth grinned and looked between Zane and I, I swear if either of them bring up what I said, I'm drowning them both in the ocean and I'll be happy about it.

"Well guess who is now dating each other" Garroth said.

"I KNEW IT!" Kylo screamed, I grabbed his arm and started pulling him away from Zane because I didn't need Zane to know what I had said about him and my feelings for him.

"Kylo don't! I am begging you not too!" I whined.

"You said that he wou-NO!" I jumped away and laughed when he crashed into the pool and thankfully no water got on me, Malyk started laughing and I turned to face Garroth.

"You say one word and I'll repeat what I did to you and Laurance before moving to that house with Aphmau and Katleyn" I warned, Garroth's eyes widened and he backed away from me.

"No thank you" He squeaked and hid behind his parents, I turned around to see Kylo climbing out of the pool and glared at me.

"Why don't we go into the amusement park part of the island for the day?" Malyk suggested before more could happen.

"Of course baby brother, after a kill our sister here we can" I screamed and ran away.

Narrator's POV:

"Come on big sister, let's go on that ride" Malyk grabbed Kawaii-Chan's hand and dragged her with him towards the line for the rollercoaster and Kawaii-Chan agreed running with him.

Kylo laughed as he walked next to Zane while Garroth was off to go on one of the water rides in the amusement park, Zianna and Garte walked next to the two.

Zianna smiled watching Malyk and Kawaii-Chan get into line and start talking too each other about everything, Zianna looked over at Kylo who smiled at her.

"Malyk seems very fond of his big sister" Garte beat her to it, Kylo nodded his head.

"Well she's Malyk's hero according to him. It's been that way for sixteen years and it'll be that way for the rest of his life" Kylo answered, Zane looked over at Kawaii-Chan and Malyk.

He remembered her mentioning how she basically raised Kia and now he was wondering if she had also raised Malyk too because of how close they are and she acts more like a mother with him sometimes.

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