Chapter 33

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Matt's eyes glowed again and Abby frowned. "I thought you didn't want me naked?"

"For this, it'll be easier if you are," he said.

Well that was interesting and she felt even more confused, but whatever. If he said it was okay now, then she'd take it off. She sat up and slipped off the nightgown, tossing it to the side. She looked at him.

"Lay back down," he said, his gaze settling on her breasts.

She lay down on her back and looked up at him, feeling a bit apprehensive and wished he would touch her again so she could relax. She bit her lip. He'd succeeded in making her nervous

He closed the distance between them and wrapped his arm around her waist, turning her on her side and pulling her against him. "You're very beautiful," he whispered as his lips descended down onto hers.

The kiss took away her nerves as he explored her mouth, his tongue dancing with hers. His hand languidly stroked her back and she began to relax again, the nerves dissipating under his touch.

His lips trailed down to her neck and he kissed it. "This is where I will mark you," he said softly, sucking on a spot, causing an odd sensation to travel through her body. A very nice sensation that she rather enjoyed.

He rolled her on her back, and pulled back to look at her. "If you want me to stop, just tell me, okay?"

She nodded. She didn't want him to at this point.

His fingers lightly brushed across the tops of her breasts, then he rubbed it back and forth across the tip causing her to gasp. It felt so much better when he did it than it had when she'd tried it earlier, though he definitely knew more than she did. She sighed softly as he began to touch the other one as well. Then she felt his mouth on her and she gasped. He licked at them with his tongue then sucked on one a bit causing a small moan to escape her mouth, startling her. She covered her mouth at the sound. She hadn't meant to make it.

Matt looked up at her and smiled. "Are you okay with this?"

"It feels.. good," she whispered. She was starting to feel very warm in a good way.

"Hope so," he chuckled. "And don't be afraid to make noise. I like it when you do. It lets me know that you're enjoying it."

She swallowed as he turned his attention back to her breasts, licking and sucking on them and she sighed. She hadn't realized how good this would feel. Was this like sex?

Finally he moved back up to her mouth, and she eagerly kissed him back, her hands on his arms. She was feeling.. she wasn't sure what she was feeling but she liked it. Was this an orgasm? Was this when he would want to bite her?

"I take it you enjoyed that?" He asked softly as he moved his attention back to her neck, his fingers still on her breasts.

"Yes," she whispered. Had she. She didn't want to stop.

"Good, because there's more." He stopped and looked at her. "I'm going to touch you between your legs. I just want you to know what I'm doing so I don't freak you out."

She nodded. Astrid had mentioned it, though she wasn't really sure how that would feel good, but then she hadn't thought the rest would feel as good as it did either. If it felt as good as him touching her breasts, she was fine with it.

Matt began kissing her again, bringing her focus back to his lips on hers, until he suddenly touched her down between her legs and she jumped. He stopped immediately. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry." She hadn't expected the jolt of pleasure that had come from him touching her. She breathed out harshly.

"Don't apologize. Do you want me to stop?"

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now