Chapter 45

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Abby sat at breakfast the next morning with Matt watching people walk by. She felt pretty relaxed so far and found she didn't mind coming down for breakfast.

"How are you doing, Abby?"

She looked up at her brother, Liam and smiled. "I'm okay."

He sat down across from her and Astrid sat next to him.

She took a bite of her breakfast and smiled inwardly. The food here was so good.

Finn sat down next to her with Emily. "Morning Abby."

"Good morning, Finn." She flashed him a smile as well.

She liked it here, more than she thought she would. She was surrounded by people who cared about her. She felt safe.

"Matt, you coming to the gym today?" Liam asked him.

"Um..I don't know yet," Matt said.

"You should ," Finn said. "Give us someone else to spar with. Nick and Noelle are coming."

Matt glanced at Abby. "You want to come watch?"

She saw his face light up at his words, and realized it was something he really wanted to do. "Okay."

"We'll come," Matt agreed.

They all looked up as Daniel approached the table and sat down. "Morning."

"Good morning," they all greeted.

"We are having an induction ceremony tonight. Ten pm. Astrid will know where. Ian is joining the pack, and I'd like you to join too, Abby."

Abby looked at him in surprise. She knew he'd mentioned it before, though she hadn't really thought about it. "What do I have to do?"

"Nor much. The worst thing you have to do is get the palm of your hand cut. Matt will be there with you. The whole pack will be there as well, but you don't have to really say anything," Daniel reassured her.

She studied him for a moment. She did need to join. For Matt. This was his pack and she really liked the Alpha. He was kind to her. And if she was going to be with Matt, it made sense.

"You'll also be happier in the pack," Liam said. "Being a rogue is hard on you."

Her gaze darted to Liam, then back to Daniel. "I'll do it."

He gave her a big smile. "Good. I'll see you all around." He stood and left the table.

After they'd finished eating, they headed back up to the apartment. "Are we going to the gym?"

"Yeah, but I need to change first," Matt said. He opened the door and Abby followed him inside and back to their bedroom.

She watched him pull off his shirt and undo his jeans, and followed him into the closet.

He turned back to her. "You like watching me take my clothes off, don't you?"

Her gaze moved over him slowly and she nodded. She was so drawn to him.

He walked up to her and stopped and her hand automatically reached out and touched him, her fingers tracing over his abs. She licked her lips and looked up when he sucked in a shallow breath. "I think you'd eat me up."

She frowned and looked up. "What?"

He laughed. "Never mind on that one." He took a step back. "Later Abby. Later you can touch me all you want."

She watched him begin to get dressed, sighing a bit in disappointment, though his promise excited her.

He turned back to her once he was dressed. "I need to warn you. What's going to happen downstairs is all friendly. Remember us telling you that we're immortal?"

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now