Chapter 17

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Nick headed over to Rick's house to find Noelle, Ian and Aria. What a day it had been. He knocked on the door.

It opened a few moments later, and Rick's face shifted into a big smile. "Nick! It's good to see you. Congratulations on your mating."

Nick smiled. "Thanks Rick. It's good to see you too."

"I'm sure you're here to check on your mate. They're upstairs packing. We have my truck backed into the garage and they're loading it up to take to the plane. Come on in." He opened the door for Nick.

"I appreciate it." He walked inside and followed Noelle's scent upstairs. The room was completely dismantled and there were boxes everywhere.

Noelle looked up at him and smiled at him. "Did you get that stuff to Matt?" she asked as she walked up to him and into his arms.

"I did." He nuzzled into her neck, breathing in her scent deeply.

"Did you see Abigail?"

"No, I didn't go into the room." He seems a bit concerned about her.

Noelle looked up at him. What do you mean?

He didn't elaborate at all, but she did agree to come back with us.

She eyed him for a moment and then nodded. "We're almost done here."

"Okay. Matt said they'll be ready to go soon as well. I think we can fly out tonight and get home." And I can bury myself in your sweet body before we go to sleep.

She smiled at him. Promise?

He smirked at her. As long as you don't fall asleep on me. "I'm going to go talk to Arlo and update him." He kissed her, then left the room.


Arlo was finished with the paperwork for Ian to leave the pack by the time Nick got over there to see him.

"Once we get everything on the plane, we're going to get going," Nick told him.

"And the girl?" Arlo asked.

"She's going back with us," Nick said.

"So she is Matt's mate."

"Yes she is," Nick confirmed.

"Alrighty then. Regal Eclipse is getting bigger," Arlo commented.

Nick laughed. "We have a bunch of new pups born in the last few months as well."

"I heard the Luna Queen gave birth to twin sons," Arlo smiled.

"She did. Both healthy boys. They're growing fast."

"Wonderful. Well I have all the paperwork finished on my end. Is there anything else I need to do?" Arlo asked him.

"Nope. I'm going to go gather up my mate and the others and head on out. If you need me for anything, you know how to reach me." Nick stood.

Arlo handed him a set of keys. "There's a vehicle waiting for you at the hospital. Just leave the keys in it at the air strip. I'll get it later."


Arlo stood and bowed his head. "Always a pleasure, Nick."

He left the house, linking Noelle. Where are you now?

Waiting naked for you in the bedroom of the plane.

His eyebrows shot up at her response. How many times have I been buried deep inside you on that plane?

Not enough. We're at the plane getting everything loaded.

Okay, I'm going to go get Matt and Abigail and I'll meet you there.

Mmm don't tempt me with a good time.

I think I've already promised you a good time, Darling. He smiled to himself. He loved her so much. They flirted with each on and off all day, and usually ended up having explosive sex at night. Or day. Whatever worked. He'd never dreamed he'd become so obsessed with one woman, but he adored her and could never get enough of her.

He headed into the hospital, waving at the nurse on duty before heading down the hall to the room where Abigail was. He knocked on the door.

Matt opened it a moment later. "Hey. Come on in."

He walked inside and his gaze immediately went to the dark haired beauty sitting on the bed. She was looking at her hands, and didn't look up at all when he entered the room. She was uncomfortable with him being in there. He turned his attention to Matt. "We're flying out within the next hour if you two want to come with me to the plane."

Matt nodded and looked at Abigail. "You ready to get out of this place?"

She nodded, looking up at him. At least she seemed to trust him.

Matt walked over to her and held out his hand and she placed her own in his and slowly stood.

Nick watched her unsteady steps quietly. She'd been in wolf form for a while, he realized. He walked back out of the room, stopping to wait for them, then moved ahead and out of the hospital.

Her steps seemed more sure once she was outside, and they headed on over to the vehicle Arlo had supplied to take them back to the plane.

Matt climbed into the backseat with Abigail, while Nick drove. "I feel like your chauffeur," he muttered.

"Is the plane loaded?" Matt asked.

"Just about," Nick said, pulling up near the landing strip. "If you want to take her on board, go ahead."

"Thanks Nick," Matt said. He helped Abby out of the vehicle and on over to the plane.

Nick watched them go, his arms crossed over his chest. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the entire situation but he was curious about it. He saw her hesitation when they reached the steps and Matt turned to her and coaxed her up the steps. Nick had a feeling she'd never been on a plane either.

He headed over to the truck to see what was left but was surprised to find it empty. They'd made quick work of it.

"You show up to supervise?" Noelle asked him as she walked over.

He smiled at her. "I can think of something to supervise you doing."

Her eyes glowed for a moment as she looked at him. "Does it involve me on my knees with you down my throat?"

He swallowed at her words. "Maybe."

She licked her lips as she looked at him. "Now I know what I'll be thinking about the whole ride home."

His eyes flashed. "You are a tease."

"So you keep telling me," she laughed as she turned to walk away from him.

He hurried after her. "I can tease too, Darling."

"I'm well aware," she purred.

They stopped a few feet away from Aria and Ian, watching him say goodbye to his parents. "I'll call you guys soon."

They both nodded and Ian followed Aria on to the plane, Nick and Noelle close behind them.

Everyone settled down in their seats and the plane took off, headed home to Pennsylvania.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now