Chapter 25

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She didn't have sisters or brothers. She'd always wanted one though. "Do they live here?"

"Yeah. My sister Astrid is the eldest and lives with her mate one floor down. I have a brother named Logan who is fifteen, a sister named Aubrey who is five, and a brother named Cole who is a month old."

"A baby?" She'd never seen a baby in person.

"Baby, or we call them pups," he told her.


"Like wolf pups."

"Oh." That made sense.

"There's actually quite a few pups. Our Luna just gave birth to twins and Charity had a pup too," Matt told her.

"What's a Luna?"

Matt frowned again. Apparently it was something she should know. "The Alpha's mate."

"I feel like I don't know anything," she said quietly, burying her face in his neck again. She felt a bit stupid and like Marcie had done her a disservice. She should have known this stuff. She had a feeling everyone in the pack knew. Except her.

"I think you were kept in the dark about pack life, which to me is really strange because you're a werewolf who was living in a pack. It would be one thing if you had always been a rogue but you spent the first twenty-one years of your life in a pack," Matt said quietly.

"Will you teach me?" She asked. He seemed to know things.

"Of course. It's important that you know. I'm guessing Marcie was responsible for your education then." Matt was still stroking her back, very slowly.

"Yes. She said I was very smart," she commented. It had made her proud, but now she wondered if Marcie had just said that. She suddenly didn't feel very smart. "I don't think I am."

"I disagree. Certain things were kept from you and I'm wondering why." He kissed her forehead, bringing back memories of the kisses he'd given her last night.

"I can learn," she said, tipping her face up to him. She was hoping he'd kiss her again.

"I know you can. Do you know why Marcie told you to stay away from the Alpha?"

She could see the concern in his eyes and she thought about the question. She'd never been told directly why she needed to stay away from him, but she did overhear some of the conversation between her mother and Marcie. "I don't think they wanted him to know about me."

Matt got quiet after that. "I feel like I need to talk to Liam about this. Would you be willing to meet him?"

She curled up closer to him. She didn't really want to but she knew she couldn't hide forever. She didn't want to either. A part of her had always wanted to leave Marcie's house and explore the pack. But she wasn't allowed. Her existence had been lonely. She was going to have to step out of her comfort zone at some point. "Will you be with me?"


"Then yes, I'll meet him."

"He's really nice, Abby." Matt kissed her forehead again, a smile on his face. She liked making him happy. It gave her joy.


"Yes Abby?"

"Will you kiss me again?" She turned her face up to him hopefully.

"Oh yeah." His lips touched hers again and she immediately parted her lips and felt his tongue enter her mouth. Her body warmed as he pulled her tighter against him. She didn't want this to end, wanted to lay there all day with him kissing her.

Bloodlines: Fated Mates (Book 6 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now