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Author's Note: This... is the long-awaited sequel to Nu Kyr'adyc, Shi Taab'echaaj'la. I thought about doing an entirety of ROTS, but I kind of lost motivation, so this is what you get instead. Insane fluff with Anika, her brothers, and Fives' ghost. :D Okay, it's not all fluff, because some really dark things happen, but. She has her family, so I guess that counts for something? :')

PS. This is for the square "pregnancy" on the 501st bingo. ^-^ AND it is for Day 1 of the Anakin Rarepair Week. 

~ Amina Gila

The clones haven't left her since once since they found out about her pregnancy, not with the very real threat that Palpatine could pose to her and her baby. Anika doesn't mind it. They're protecting her, not babying her, and she's just grateful to have a place she belongs, and a family she can call her own. They'll stay together through everything, even the rise of the Empire.

"Does it hurt?" Wrecker asks, staring at her wide-eyed.

Anika should be giving birth in a few weeks or so, so yes, she's big. Walking around a lot is hard, even if she uses the Force to help keep her balance. Her weight distribution is all wrong, so it's hard to walk long distances. Standing up from sitting is hard. Standing up from lying down is even harder. But she can't regret it, not for a moment. Every last bit of discomfort and pain is more than worth it, when it means that there's still a piece of Fives here with here.

"Not usually," she answers, smoothing a hand over her abdomen. "When she kicks really hard, it can hurt sometimes."

With Rex and the 501st on Mandalore with Ahsoka, Cody had contacted Clone Force 99 to stay with her until they could return. She can't be alone. They all know it. She knows too much, and she's too important to all the clones for them to risk her – or her child. Her baby will be the most adored child in the galaxy, with millions of uncles who will absolutely spoil her to death. It's comforting to know that they'll never be alone.

"How're you gonna get it out?" Wrecker queries.

Echo winces, and Fives' ghost laughs in her ear. She can almost feel him toying with a strand of her hair. "The same way we got it in," he whispers, and if she could elbow him, she would. As it is, she blushes. She doesn't understand the connection she has to Fives' spirit. Sometimes, she can physically feel him, a prickling of sensation over her skin. It has something to do with the Force bond they had, she thinks, and the way that she's so strong in the Force.

"Fives?" Echo says dryly – he has become so accustomed to knowing when Fives says or does something particularly outrageous, even as a ghost.

"Fives," she confirms, wishing her face would stop burning. "And don't worry about it, Wrecker. Humans have been having children ever since we existed."

"I always thought babies grew in tubes," Crosshair admits. He's half-sprawled on Wrecker and the floor at once – and half across Hunter. He's so clingy. It's adorable. If he's ever nearby her in the nighttime cuddle piles, he's usually on top of her by the morning.

Tech is typing on his datapad, and Anika has a bad feeling about it. "They do not," Tech informs him. "That is only true for clones."

Crosshair eyes her pointedly. "Obviously," he drawls.

"I can feel her," Hunter remarks, pretending to be totally unaffected by the way Crosshair's legs are in his lap, as though he's not half-hugging them. "'S weird."

She still doesn't fully understand how Hunter's abilities work. "Yeah? What's it like?"

His brow furrows. "There's a concentration of energy there." He points at her abdomen. "Never felt anything like it before."

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