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Author's Note: I'm honestly a little nervous about posting this, given how controversial the sequels are and I put nearly all my headcanons about them into this fic, but hopefully you enjoy. :D 

~ Tirana Sorki

This is a gift for Blairette for the 2023 May 4th Disaster Lineage Appreciation Exchange. :)

~ Amina Gila

Traveling into Wild Space in search of ancient Jedi Temples and holocrons to learn from, in the hopes of rebuilding the Jedi Order, Rey stumbles onto something else entirely: the ancient world of Mortis, except... it's now inhabited by Force ghosts?

"You found something?" the small hologram of Finn on the dashboard asks.

Rey shifts in her X-wing, almost nervously checking the charts again. "I found records of one of the most ancient... Force worlds out there," she replies. "I don't know if it has any direct connection with the Jedi. It's not on any galactic charts. I'm going to check it out, but I don't know what's there. I wanted you to know in case something happens."

Finn's expression tightens with obvious worry. "Be careful, Rey. Are you sure you want to go alone?"

"No, it's fine," she replies, giving him a slight smile. She misses being with him, Poe, and Chewie already, and the team they had. They all had their own separate paths to take once the battle against the First Order was over, and she's afraid of what that might mean for them... drifting apart, but at least Finn seems determined to make sure that won't happen. "If I do need anything, I'll call you."

"Alright," he concedes, "May the Force be with you."

She nods, returning the goodbye, before ending the call. Hopefully, everything will be fine, and she won't have to call him in. He's looking for new younglings to be trained as Jedi, after all, and they've already been discussing how they'll do it.

Rey knows there must be a reason that younglings are taken from their families so young and stay with the Order ever after. Luke's Order wasn't as strict about that as the previous one, but still, the rule existed.

At the same time, she also knows what Finn had to say about that, and she completely agrees. He knows what it's like to be taken from his home and forced to fight for something he doesn't believe in, and if he's going to be trained as a Jedi too, that's not how he wants to build the new Order.

They should have that choice, and they don't need to cut off contact with their family and friends. Obviously, any attachment would have to be controlled, but what would the point of life be, if she weren't close with people?

She knows what that's like – she spent years of her life all alone. She would never require that of anyone else. But she wants to make sure she's starting an Order that will last – not making random, important changes to the rules simply because she thinks she knows better.

Rey's fighter jolts out of hyperspace not long later, to reveal... nothing but empty space?

She can feel something pulsing in the Force, though, something very close by. But she doesn't see


What's that light?

Leaning forwards in her fighter, she flies a little closer. And then something seems to shift around her ship, the controls suddenly flickering off. The next thing she knows, she's being dragged towards the light, until it's so bright she can hardly look at it anymore.

And then, she wakes up face-first on the front of her fighter.


What's happening?

Star Wars One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora