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Author's Note: I did think about making this one-shot a bunch of short scenes between Anakin and Palpatine, because it is so much fun to explore how Palpatine screwed with Anakin's head and groomed him, but... I thought that maybe it would be nice for this particular one-shot to delve into not only how Palpatine groomed Anakin, but also, how the Jedi's own actions contributed to it, mainly through Deception.

Also, as another note, I do not consider the CW to be fully canon. The Deception arc, as it was shown in there, makes no sense to me, so I've taken the liberty to rewrite the entire arc in a far more (I hope) realistic and canon-compliant way. But I don't think this version happened in canon, either, because Anakin trusted Obi-Wan way too much in ROTS for him to have actually faked his death. This is more of a... "what if Obi-Wan did really fake his death?" than anything else. :)

Basically, this is Deception from Palpatine's POV, focusing on how he used it to his advantage to get Anakin on his side.

If a warning is needed... well warnings for grooming and manipulation of someone who is grieving as well as emotional abuse of said individual by faking a death of a close friend. I should probably add creepy possessiveness. Palpatine and the Jedi are equally guilty here. Anakin is the only innocent.

PS. This was a gift request by an anonymous person. I'm not sure you'll ever see this, but I hope you do, and I hope that you enjoy it! ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Anakin had trusted in him, confided in him, and Palpatine soaked it up readily, encouraging it, inviting Anakin's friendship. It was all a lie, but Anakin didn't need to know that. All Anakin needed to know is that Palpatine is the friend and mentor that the Jedi would never give to him, that Obi-Wan would never be for him, not after his betrayal.

The funeral is held at the Jedi Temple the same evening that the body is returned to Coruscant. Palpatine heard the news from Yoda and Windu – the duo had come to the Senate to see him, letting him know that Kenobi had been killed by a rogue group of Mandalorians. As per protocol, Duchess Satine of Mandalore had been informed and had come to Coruscant to clear up the misunderstandings as well as attend the funeral.

The whole thing seemed so convenient, so... wrong. It doesn't seem possible that Kenobi could have died so suddenly and not by Palpatine's orders. He sensed something amiss, and his senses were confirmed at the funeral.

The grief in the air is overwhelming, stifling, and all too keenly, he can feel Anakin's pain rolling through their bond; the boy isn't shielding it, since he doesn't even realize it's there. His Padawan is at his side, head bowed, expression blank and dull, pain etched into her delicate features. But Palpatine's focus is on Anakin... as always.

Anakin is a wreck, and even from here, even though Palpatine hadn't spoken to him, his mind is racing as he calculates how to best turn this to his advantage.

The Jedi Council is present as well, at least those who are on Coruscant, and what Palpatine finds strangest of all is the strange impassiveness that they show, not even a shred of pain or grief lingering around them in the Force. That is not true for the others. Kenobi had been well-respected, well-liked, and there are many who mourn him, even his own men. Commander Cody of the 212th is here, standing in the background, emotions a chaotic storm of discomfort and grief. He does not feel as though he belongs, but he still wished to come, to pay his respects to the Jedi who had led him.

The truth dawns on Palpatine all at once, and he might have laughed if he wasn't so very good at hiding his feelings. His expression does not twitch, but his amusement lingers.

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