Until the Day I Die

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Author's Note: First off, this is a very dark fic. There's an open-ending, and the universe may eventually become happy, but that's only because I couldn't give it a tragic, depressing ending. Lol. 

Also, this is a gift request by Superstary56 on ao3, so if you're wondering why I wrote something like this, you now know. :) 

But on that note, it was fun to play with the Force Dyad bond with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Listen. I don't care what anyone else thinks. They're a Force Dyad, and that is now my headcanon (with supporting evidence in canon), and it will be appearing in my other fics too, now. You're welcome. ^-^

This is also part of the Star Wars Playlist Challenge hosted by Riftwalker on ao3. The song Until the Day I Die by Story Of The Year really fits this fic. Lol. And it's also part of the Obikin 2023 bingo (platonic only for us, of course. :)

WARNING: Major character death, suicide, suicide attempts, depression, general darkness. This is a very dark fic. Read at your own risk.

To Superstary56: I hope that you like this... very dark, angsty, and tragic story. Lol. But you did ask for it. ;)

~ Amina Gila

"Don't try it!" Except Anakin doesn't listen to Obi-Wan's warning because he knows better. He knows that he'll make it. And he does, except the consequences are more than he can deal with. Is it truly victory if he's lost... what matters most, what always mattered most, even if he was too blind to see it?

The stifling, choking heat and toxic gas makes it hard to breathe, but Anakin is past caring. If he wasn't so blinded by his fury, he might feel something akin to fear at his current location, standing precariously on the edge of a platform floating over a lava river. Any sane person, including Jedi, would be afraid.

But he is past fear now.

All he feels is a raw, blinding fury. For so long, he has taken the criticism, the distrust, the pain, but he can't do that anymore. He's tired of it, tired of being subject to Obi-Wan's every whim, tired of being pushed around and hurt, again and again. He's pushed back his pain, his resentment, his anger for years, but it's all bubbling over now, given freedom by the Dark Side which now courses through his veins, filling him with fire.

Anakin wants to make Obi-Wan hurt as he has hurt for so many years. He wants to push Obi-Wan until he breaks, until he reacts, until he shows emotions, if indeed he has any, for all Anakin sees in him is disapproval and anger. It grates on him, incensing him further that even now, Obi-Wan will still treat him as an ignorant, stupid child who knows nothing, who can do nothing except fail. He wants to be seen, accepted. (He wants to be good enough, but what does that even mean anymore?)

"Don't try it!" Obi-Wan yells, standing opposite him on the bank of the lava river, lightsaber gripped tightly in his right hand.

He is foolish for thinking that he has the high ground, even if he doesn't realize it. Anakin gathers the Force, leaping through the air, vaulting cleanly over Obi-Wan's head, high enough that he can't reach him with his blade – not that he would... do that. (Obi-Wan wouldn't. Obi-Wan would never truly hurt him... would he? He is afraid of that possibility, of Obi-Wan trying to kill him, but way deep inside, he just can't imagine it. Obi-Wan wouldn't. Obi-Wan protects him, takes care of him. He wouldn't hurt him.)

Anakin is swinging towards him before he's even hit the ground, fully expecting his old master to turn and block him as he has every time before. This is – he doesn't know what this is really; he isn't really thinking about what this is, about what they're trying to truly accomplish by beating each other up. He isn't really thinking at all.

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