I Already Knew

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My sister and I were wondering exactly how Rex found out about Anakin and Padme's relationship, since he obviously knew in Season 7. And so, this fanfic was written. Enjoy! :)

If there's a fic you'd like us to write, I have a SW fic request form which you can fill out. We'll gift write all the requests we get... eventually. :D The link is as follows, but with no spaces: forms . gle / rmXWtRomMMaULuPa6

We also made a tribute for Anakin on our new YT channel. Check it out if you're interested. :P Again, no spaces in the link: youtu . be / T9hdVkokQa4

~ Amina Gila

Rex always suspected that General Skywalker was involved in a relationship with Senator Amidala. He just didn't expect to receive any type of confirmation.

"A hundred credits says they're married." Rex turns his head when he hears Hardcase's voice, slightly intrigued by the words. Who could he be talking about? Shrugging, he takes his tray of food and slides into a chair at the table where Fives, Echo, Hardcase, and Jesse are currently eating.

"Who's married?" he wants to know, raising a questioning eyebrow at the others.

Fives coughs. "We were just talking about General Skywalker and Senator Amidala. Hardcase thinks they're married."

Rex nearly chokes on his food. "Why would you think that?" he demands incredulously. "And anyways, I hardly think it's an appropriate thing to be discussing, much less betting on."

"Come on," Hardcase says, rolling his eyes. "Don't pretend that you haven't noticed how they act towards one another. They're hardly subtle, what with looking at each other when they think no one is watching."

"They look at each other. So what?" Rex shrugs. "They're probably friends. It's not as though it's illegal to have friends." Truthfully, he knows what Hardcase is talking about, and downplaying it will probably be useless. They're soldiers. General Skywalker is their commander. It's not right for them to be speculating behind his back like this, not that he'd report it but still.

Jesse snorts quietly. "Friends don't look at each other like that." He glance sideways at Echo. "I'm with you, Echo. I bet they're not married, just seeing each other."

Rex really wants to throw up his hands in disbelief. Do his brothers never even listen to him? No. They aren't. Why is he even wondering about it? "Seriously –" he begins, a hint of aggravation in his tone.

"Oh, come on, Rex. Haven't you ever wondered about them?" teases Echo, smirking slightly.

"No," he retorts firmly, "And neither should you."

"Fifty credits says that General Kenobi doesn't officially know," Hardcase adds cheerfully, before taking another bite of his food.

"Hardcase!" hisses Rex, giving him a glare.

Echo snickers. "Thirty credits says he does know."

Rex moans quietly, on the verge of slamming his head into the table. Why? Why are they doing this? It's hardly proper, and he really, really doesn't want to pull the rank card on them, because they won't like it. They're not doing anything wrong per se, but it doesn't seem right to be speculating like this on their General.

"Forty credits says that Commander Tano has no idea," Jesse pipes up.

"Fifty credits says that she suspects, but hasn't confirmed," Fives counters.

"Please." Hardcase looks up at them. "There's no way that they've told anyone from the way they act towards one another. Didn't you see General Skywalker giving Senator Amidala a look behind General Kenobi's back last week? I did."

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